Medicaid Unwinding

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States Obtain Special Waivers to Help Unwinding Efforts

KFF recently published a policy watch examining the challenges faced by states during the unwinding of continuous Medicaid enrollment, resulting in over 14 million disenrollments, primarily due to procedural issues. To assist states in meeting federal renewal requirements, CMS has granted temporary waivers under "1902(e)(14)(A)," categorized into four buckets: options to increase ex parte renewals, support for enrollees in completing renewal forms, updating enrollee contact information, and facilitating re-enrollment for individuals disenrolled due to procedural terminations. As of January 12, 2023, CMS had approved a total of 392 waivers for 49 states and the District of Columbia...

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Unwinding of Medicaid Continuous Enrollment: Key Themes from the Field

KFF recently released an issue brief titled “Unwinding of Medicaid Continuous Enrollment: Key Themes from the Field,” exploring the implications of the end of Medicaid continuous enrollment on March 31, 2023. As continuous enrollment comes to an end, states will be required to complete an eligibility renewal for all Medicaid and CHIP enrollees by May 2024 – a process commonly referred to as “unwinding.” This brief examines the perspectives of state officials and others involved in the unwinding process. KFF worked with PerryUndem to conduct interviews with representatives from Medicaid managed care plans, primary care associations, legal aid and other advocacy organizations, and navigator organizations in four states...

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