HCBS Settings Rule

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Q&A with ACL Acting Administrator Alison Barkoff

The Council on Quality Leadership published a Q&A with ACL Acting Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging Alison Barkoff about the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) settings rule in their latest newsletter. The Q&A session explores the settings rule, and how states can implement best practices throughout the transition period for implementation.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/74468

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Understanding and Advocating for Effective Implementation of the Home and Community-Based Services Settings Rule

This guide is designed to provide elder law attorneys with a better understanding of the HCBS Settings Rule and how they can advocate for a strong, effective system that achieves the spirit and intent of the rule. The guide includes an overview of the rule, a process for states to comply with the HCBS Rule, opportunities for advocacy to promote your clients' best interests, and a review of special issues including dementia care and evictions.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/69861

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