Family caregiver needs

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Caregiving in a Diverse America

The National Alliance for Caregiving has published a 2021 national report, "Caregiving in a Diverse America: Beginning to Understand the Systemic Challenges Facing Family Caregivers," which was based on results of the Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 study. The report analyzes the experience of over 800 caregiver respondents of different socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, and gender. The report also includes additional literature on diverse caregiving and research recommendations.

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What Family Caregivers Need: Findings from Listening Sessions

This report, by the University of Massachusetts at Boston and Community Catalyst, shares information collected from family caregiver listening sessions. The sessions were intended to give family caregivers the opportunity to communicate their challenges, needs, and suggest recommendations for services, supports and policies. Findings from the sessions cover topics including emotional and financial stress, caregiving education and training, workplace flexibility, and tax policy change.

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