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Trust, Skepticism, or Rejection: Communities of Color & the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Juanita C. Grant Foundation, in partnership with the National Council on Aging, is convening for a virtual Town Hall Meeting to develop strategies and initiate a Call to Action for communities of color to connect at the local level through trusted sources, in preparation for a COVID-19 vaccine prioritizing older adults. This flyer offers helpful resources for advocates in preparing communities of color for the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Reimagining Aging in America: A Blueprint to Create Health and Economic Security for Older Adults

US Senator Bob Casey (ranking member, Special Committee on Aging) has released a new report on how COVID-19 has exacerbated the challenges facing older Americans. The report outlines a blueprint for addressing the problems older adults face and highlights the services necessary to ensure Americans can age with dignity. This report contains policy recommendations that address three main areas: health care, economic security, and social supports.

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COVID-19 & Survey of Adults with Disabilities: Health and Health Care Access: Comparative Analysis of Results by Type of Disability

In April 2020, the American Association on Health & Disability (AAHD) conducted a survey to assess COVID-19's impact on access to healthcare for adults with a range of disabilities. This new comparative report complements their previous survey publications. The report analyzes survey results by type of disability and examines differences/similarities in disability group responses during COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Medicare Regulation Tracking Tool

This issue brief analyzes COVID-19 related legislative, regulatory, and subregulatory changes to Medicare from January 1, 2020 to July 24, 2020. The brief groups these regulatory changes into nine themes and examines questions regarding the policy changes moving forward. The brief is accompanied by a policy tracker that categorizes all 212 changes based on factors including types of providers and plans affected, effective date, and expected duration.

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COVID-19 & Adults with Disabilities: Health and Health Care Access Online Survey Summary Report

The American Association on Health & Disability previously conducted a survey to assess the coronavirus pandemic's impact on access to healthcare on adults with a range of disabilities. AAHD has now published a report summarizing the findings from this survey. The initial report presents findings from all responses, while future reports will analyze results by specific type of disability.

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