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Using Consumer Satisfaction Information for Planning

This training from the Independent Living Research Utilization Program (ILRU) provides information on how you can gather feedback and input directly from consumers in your state to improve Independent Living programs. The presentation includes information about methods to gather and analyze data. Part 1 is about gathering information and part 2 is about implementing improvements.

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Readiness Assessment Tool

This readiness assessment tool guides your organization through the process of successfully preparing for, securing and maintaining partnerships with the health care sector, allowing your organization to assess the current readiness of your organization, while also providing a framework and resources for navigating the process successfully. Your organization will benefit most by completing this assessment tool as an organization, rather than individually.

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Collaborating to Reduce Hospital Readmissions for Older Adults with Complex Needs: Eastern Virginia Care Transitions Partnership

The Eastern Virginia Care Transitions Partnership (EVCTP) is a largescale partnership including Bay Aging and four other Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), four health systems, three managed care organizations (MCOs), and other health care and human service providers. This case study describes several topics including the service delivery model, information sharing and reporting, shared governance, success factors, and challenges.

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