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Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule

This week CMS issued a final rule for the Calendar Year 2023 Physician Fee Schedule which includes updates and policy changes for Medicare payments and other Part B issues. Some of the changes include expanding access to behavioral health services by allowing certain health practitioners to provide and manage a beneficiary’s behavioral health needs; extending several telehealth services that are temporarily available for the COVID-19 public health emergency at least through calendar year 2023; and clarifying payment for dental examinations and treatments in more circumstances, such as prior to organ transplants and certain cardiac procedures beginning in calendar year 2023.

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Beneficiary Experience, Affordability, Utilization, and Quality in Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare: A Review of the Literature

The Kaiser Family Foundation's new report, “Beneficiary Experience, Affordability, Utilization, and Quality in Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare: A Review of the Literature,” details their findings from an analysis of 62 studies published since 2016 comparing traditional Medicare to Medicare Advantage. The analysis reviewed beneficiary experience, affordability, service utilization, and quality measures. According to the report, the review “found few differences between Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare that are supported by strong evidence or have been replicated across multiple studies. Both Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare beneficiaries reported similar rates of satisfaction.

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