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A Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report: The Status of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Program as of 12/31/08

Are MIGs assisting individuals with disabilities to become employed? An annual GPRA report has been produced since 2007. This report builds on previous work, and shows the continued impact of MIG funding in 2008 on programs and services that facilitate employment among individuals with disabilities. As the MIG program approaches the end of its authorized period, many states are committing to evaluating the programs, documenting their impacts, and sustaining the efforts beyond 2011.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52619

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Medicaid-A Primer: Key Information on Our Nation’s Health Coverage Program for Low-Income People

Integral to the coverage framework laid out in the reform law is a dramatic expansion of the Medicaid program. This primer provides key information about the program today, including a definition of what it is, who and what services are covered, Medicaid expenditures and how they are financed, and information of how health reform reshapes the program for the future.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52606

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Coverage for Consumers, Savings for States: Options for Modernizing Medicaid

Explore Medicaid expansion under health care reform and savings for states through Medicaid “modernization.” This report examines three broad categories of savings opportunities including the greater use of coordinated care techniques, the greater use of managed care for LTC, and the upgrading of Medicaid’s administrative processes. Find national and state-specific projections of increases in Medicaid enrollees as a result of health reform legislation and of the associated Medicaid costs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52572

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Data Analysis On The PAS Workforce – Interactive Website

Review an analysis of the size and characteristics of the PAS workforce during the period 2005-07. Data is available by state and nationwide and is based on a three-year combined sample of data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Data include gender, age, ethnicity, birthplace, income, and type of employment.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52563

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Fair Housing Planning Guide

Are you looking for assistance with Fair Housing Planning? This Guide provides an historical perspective of fair housing, information on how to conduct an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI), undertake activities to correct the identified impediments, and the types of documentary records to be maintained. It was developed for State, State-funded, and Entitlement jurisdictions along with applicable HUD regulations pertaining to fair housing.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52558

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Systems of Care: Environmental Scan of Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Supports and Services

Learn about the status of the public LTC delivery system, and opportunities and obstacles for LTSS reform and rebalancing. The study surveys states’ current HCBS expenditures and utilization, analyzes factors underpinning Medicaid’s institutional bias, looks at federal and state initiatives to improve the ratio between institutional and community-based care, and points to statutory and regulatory “fixes” that could enhance the states’ ability to improve their LTC delivery systems.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52555

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From Entitlement to Eligibility - Utah

What are states doing to address the needs of individuals with learning disabilities in school and beyond? Utah gave the attached presentations at the Learning Disabilities Association National Conference to address the diverse services available across the lifetime of an individual with learning disabilities. They include various Utah resources and could be useful to other MIG states interested in this demographic.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52497

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Employing and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities - Utah

Providing employers with the resources to make hiring and retaining employees with disabilities a more common practice is one approach Utah is taking to ensure more successful programs. The attached presentation to employers was given at a semi-annual Employer Workshop, to provide information and support to employers about hiring and retaining employees with disabilities. It includes information, success stories and resources. It is an approach that could be useful to other MIG states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52496

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Finding, Getting and Keeping a Job – Utah

What are states doing to help teachers whose job is to prepare youth with disabilities for a fulfilling work life? The attached presentation was given to students in the Brigham Young University Special Education Department. It addresses myths and truths about employment and people with disabilities. It also provides policy information, job seeker guides, tips for teens, eSkills and resources. This approach could be helpful to other states with MIG grants.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52491


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