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Texas Real Choice Program Project Materials

The Heart of Central Texas Real Choice is a project of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission through a grant & collaboration between the Area Agency on Aging of the Heart of Texas, the Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas, & the Heart Of Central Texas Independent Living Center. The attached material contain a program overview, job descriptions, workbooks and other materials that explain the program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50296

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Psychotropic Medications: Addressing Costs without Restricting Access

States have used a variety of techniques to combat the rising costs of prescriptions, especially for psychotropic medications. This paper notes that it is important to consider alternatives that have the potential to both contain costs and improve the quality of care and outcomes. The paper provides some examples of promising practices from Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas, and Massachusetts.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50241

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Families USA Updates Report on Economic Effect of Medicaid

Families USA has released Medicaid: Good Medicine for State Economies predicting the impact state Medicaid spending will have on business activity, jobs, & wages in 2005. The report argues that extending the $10 billion in fiscal relief provided by Congress to the states last year, through enhanced Federal participation in Medicaid, through the end of fiscal year 2005 would help strengthen state economies by generating even more business activity, jobs,& wages. Includes data for every state.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50140

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Summaries of the Systems Change Grants for Community Living - FY 2003 Grantees

The Formative Evaluation of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants evaluates how the Systems Change grantees are progressing towards meeting their goals. The Formative Evaluation identifies problems faced by the grantees and ways that they deal with the problems. This document provides summary information about each of the FY2003 Grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50124


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