New York

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Parent to Parent of NYS Link Digest - New York\'s Family to Family Health Care

As part of the New York Family to Family Health Information Center, They provided information to families related to the issues of health care and children with special health care needs.They have created this listing of website links that they suggest families find valuable. They share this resource as an example for other Family to Family grantee programs can create.

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Across the States: Profiles of Long-Term Care 2004

The sixth biennial edition of the AARP Public Policy Institute's databook, presents an overview of long-term care in each state plus the District of Columbia by using numbers, graphs, charts, and maps. Data includes each state's demographics, need for LTC and HCBS services, the number of LTC workers per thousand people aged 65 and over, urban average for private-pay home health aide wages, and CNA hours per resident day. Each state is compared with others through rankings and national averages.

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Survey of Nurse Aide Registries (Direct Care Worker) in the United States

The survey results highlight inconsistencies and gaps in training, testing, and other pre-employment requirements for nursing assistants. The results from the nurse aide registries are presented in a series of charts. The survey notes who pays for pre-certification training in each state, whether candidates are allowed to become certified by passing the test without undergoing training, whether nurse aides pay a fee to be licensed or certified, who does criminal background checks, and more.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Compendium Fourth Edition

The Compendium contains basic information about each of the Real Choice Systems Change Grantees. The Compendium will help you learn more about how these grants will be used to allow more people of all ages with a disability or long term illness to live and participate in their communities. Real Choice Systems Change Grantees will also find the Compendium useful to identify other Grantees with similar goals and activities. The fourth edition of the Compendium replaces all previous editions.

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Risk Management and Quality in HCBS: Individual Risk Planning and Prevention, System-Wide Quality Improvement

Recognizing that states are engaging in risk planning for HCBS waiver participants, CMS requested this report that explores the topic of effective individual risk management. Potential risk falls into three general categories: health, behavioral and personal safety risks. The project selected 11 states to determine: how programs are addressing risk for participants, identify risk management themes and emerging issues, identify any state tools or policies that can be useful to other states.

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Plan of Protective Oversight

Developed by the New York Department of Health this tool is used for participants with traumatic brain injury. The tool identifies risk factors and the services needed to mitigate them, and assigns specific persons who will be responsible for providing the necessary service and oversight. Addressed in the plan: money management, medication management, kitchen safety, back-up staffing for unscheduled staff absences. Plans are revised at least every six months and must be signed.

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Point of Entry Systems for Long-Term Care: State Case Studies

This report was prepared to inform the New York City Department for the Aging about other states’ long-term care (“LTC”) point of entry (“POE”) systems. The analysis and case studies in this report focus on the following topics: system structure and integration at the state and local levels, common elements of successful systems, and special features of each POE system.

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The State of the States in Family Caregiver Support: A 50-State Study

This report focuses attention on a growing issue facing the nation: how to support & sustain those who are the cornerstone of our LTC system—the dedicated families & informal caregivers. This national study is the first to examine publicly funded caregiver support programs throughout all 50 states. The report identifies key findings, describes state approaches to providing caregiver support services, offers state-by-state profiles, pinpoints challenges, & expands recognition of caregiver needs.

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Fall 2004 National MIG Conference - National Consortium for Health Systems Development

NCHSD held its 4th Annual National Fall Technical Assistance Conference for Medicaid Infrastructure Grantees. This year’s meeting featured pre-conference regional gatherings, a day-long session on building public-private partnerships with employers, updates from our CMS partners, and a series of state expert panel presentations. Attached are the Fall 2004 Conference Edition eNews with highlights and promising practices plus the conference materials and presentations from every session.

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Measuring the Years: State Aging Trends & Indicators

To assist states in preparing for the challenges and opportunities they will face as baby-boomers age, the National Governors Association's Center for Best Practice's (NGA Center) published this report designed to identify current trends and future directions, and to assist state policymakers in creating programs and policies that respond to need. This data book provides information on demographic shifts, health care concerns, & long term care workforce shortages.

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