New Jersey

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Enabling Personal Preference: The Implementation of the Cash and Counseling Demonstration in New Jersey

This report describes the design and implementation of Personal Preference, New Jersey’s model of Cash and Counseling. It also draws lessons from the state’s experience. The report is based primarily on in-person interviews conducted in April 01, about 18 months after the program began enrolling beneficiaries (Nov 99).

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Families USA Updates Report on Economic Effect of Medicaid

Families USA has released Medicaid: Good Medicine for State Economies predicting the impact state Medicaid spending will have on business activity, jobs, & wages in 2005. The report argues that extending the $10 billion in fiscal relief provided by Congress to the states last year, through enhanced Federal participation in Medicaid, through the end of fiscal year 2005 would help strengthen state economies by generating even more business activity, jobs,& wages. Includes data for every state.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Community Choice Initiative

This document describes Community Choice, New Jersey’s permanent, state-operated nursing facility transition program. The program provides information about nursing home alternatives and assistance moving from nursing facilities. This program’s implementation and impact are illustrated in this document.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Statewide Respite Care Services

This report briefly describes the New Jersey Statewide Respite Care Program. The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) administers a state-funded, Statewide Respite Care Program providing a wide variety of services to relieve unpaid, informal caregivers from the stress of caring for older people and/or people with disabilities. The respite program customizes services to the person and the caregiver, with a focus on alleviating caregiver stress.

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Partnership Development Activities: Comparative Analysis of FY 2001 Systems Change Grantees

This report provides a summary of the partnership development activities undertaken by the 52 Grantees that were awarded a Systems Change Grant in 2001. It describes the ways that Grantees involved consumers and public and private partners in the development of Grant applications and their plans for involving them in implementation activities. In addition, the report includes a more in-depth description of partnership involvement for nine Grantees (three from each Grant type).

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Direct Service Workforce Activities of the Systems Change Grantees

Of the Real Choice Systems Change grantees awarded funding under CMS’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 solicitation, 20 have one or more initiatives to improve the recruitment and retention of direct service workers. This report focuses on the workforce initiatives of these 20 Grantees, with an in-depth look at 7 Grantees (AR [2 grants], KY, MT, NH, NC, VT, with whom RTI conducted site visits).

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Data Resource Center on Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Website

This site provides data, tips and tools to use with data for states and families to help guide improvements in community-based systems of care for CYSHCN. You will find a variety of resources on this site - including an easy to use, interactive data query feature that allows users to view and compare state, regional and nationwide findings from the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.

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Systems Change Grants for Community Living: Compendium Third Edition

The Compendium contains basic information about each of the Real Choice Systems Change Grantees. The Compendium will help you learn more about how these grants will be used to allow more people of all ages with a disability or long term illness to live and participate in their communities. Real Choice Systems Change Grantees will also find the Compendium useful to identify other Grantees with similar goals and activities. This edition of the Compendium replaces all previous editions.

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