New Jersey

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Strategies to Keep Consumers Needing Long-Term Care in the Community and Out of Nursing Facilities

In recent years, states have been trying to shift resources from institutional to home and community based long-term care services. This report examines \"transition\" and \"diversion\" policies and practices in eight states. It provides a sense of what state Medicaid programs are doing or could be doing to promote diversion.

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State Medicaid Fact Sheets Online Tool

This new interactive online tool provides the latest key data for each state’s Medicaid program and the population it serves, allowing for easy comparisons of one state to any other state or to the nation as a whole, on a selection of important indicators. Utilizing figures from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and drawn directly from, this tool provides customized figures and tables that can be easily printed as fact sheets, emailed or saved.

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Nursing Facility Transition Toolbox

This toolbox was developed for nursing facility transition (NFT) and Money Follows the Person (MFP) grantees to provide materials to support the design, development and operation of nursing facility programs. This toolbox includes over 30 resources to assist states in these efforts. Resources include existing materials or tools, CMS guidance and report developed by the Rutgers/NASHP team and others. An electronic link to the tool or document is included when available.

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Medicaid Budgets, Spending and Policy Initiatives in State Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006

The 50-state annual survey of budget conditions and Medicaid cost containment actions in FY2005-06 shows that all states implemented and planned more Medicaid cost-containment actions, but are also implementing expansions as the gap between Medicaid spending growth and state tax revenue narrowed.

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Priced Out 2004: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

This newly released biennial study verifies that low-income people with disabilities are experiencing a national housing affordability crisis. The Priced Out in 2004 study compares the monthly SSI income of more than 4 million Americans with disabilities to the fair market rental rates for efficiencies and modest one-bedroom apartments in every housing market in the country. Review more facts, figures and examples about housing and the national rent increases which greatly exceed SSI Benefits.

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National Survey of State Initiatives on the Long-Term Care Direct-Care Workforce: Survey Results 2005

This is the fifth national survey of the direct-care workforce published by the National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce. It examines public policy actions taken by states to strengthen the direct-care workforce, and updates information collected in prior surveys. Responses were received from 38 states, representing a 76 percent return rate. The report contains data tables with survey results and details national initiatives pertaining to the direct care workforce.

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New Jersey Family Care - Website and Presentations

New Jersey Family Care is a federal and state-funded health insurance program which helps uninsured children receive affordable health coverage. The SPAN of NJ program has developed a number of presentations that explain their program, provide an overview of all medical insurance options, individual health plans and the other vital information. Presentation titles include: New Jersey Family Care, Medically Necessary Services, Individual Health Plan, EPSDT, and Medical Insurance.

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The Medical Home Concept Presentations

Medical Home is an initiative funded by the MCH Bureau and HRSA and administered by SPAN of New Jersey as an approach to providing high quality, cost effective health services. The concept is for coordinated & respectful health care partnership among a child, his/her parents and the child’s Primary Care Provider. The presentations provide an overview of partnering. Titles includes: The Medical Home, Why do Parents Get Involved, Parent Professional Collaboration, and Partnering with Providers.

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New Jersey Care 2000+ Program - Brochures and Presentation

This listing is a series of family-friendly brochure from the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network of New Jersey. They are designed to help family with important decisions and to introduce families to the New Jersey Care 2000+. Brochure topics include: Medicaid Managed Care, Choosing a Provider, Provider Relations and Advocacy, Dispute Resolution, Welfare, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicaid, Important Terms, Resource List.

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Public Policy Advocacy for Social Change and Family Involvement Presentations

The presentation from the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network of New Jersey discusses advocacy and the elements necessary to effect social change: strategic planning, information and research, involvement of others, support for parent participation, diversity and outreach, leadership building, understanding public policy and the legislative cycle, and effective advocacy strategies. Available in English and Spanish, these presentations address how families can be involved in the advocacy process.

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