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Priced Out in 2014

This report is a study of the severe housing affordability problems experienced by people with disabilities. Priced Out calculates the difference between what an individual receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can reasonably afford to pay for housing costs and the average cost of modest housing units. The report confirms that non-elderly adults with disabilities living on SSI confront an enormous housing affordability gap across the entire nation.

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Regulatory Review of Adult Day Services

Adult day services (ADS)--a non-residential service provided outside an individual's home for less than a full day--provides direct care to older adults and younger adults with physical disabilities. This report provides information about each state's approach to regulating this key community service. The report details different models, forms of regulation, and funding sources used by states to run ADS programs.

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America's Health Rankings Senior Report: A Call to Action for Individuals and Their Communities

This third edition of an annual report takes an in-depth look at the health of seniors in America. The report examines core measures of behaviors, community and environment, policy, clinical care, and outcomes. The findings are provided at a national level as well as in state summaries and rankings.

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A Right to Person-Centered Care Planning

Person-centered planning encompasses the idea that the individual is at the heart of all decisions about services, supports, and care. This report analyzes how well states are implementing a 2014 rule that creates the right to person-centered care planning for Medicaid consumers of Long-Term Services and Supports. The report is a tool for health care providers, plan administrators, and advocates to help them understand the scope of the rules and be able to identify provision shortfalls.

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The Right Supports at the Right Time: How Money Follows the Person Programs Are Supporting Diverse Populations in the Community

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration aims to give Medicaid beneficiaries living in long-term care facilities more choice about where they live and receive services and to strengthen state systems of LTSS to serve more people in community settings. This report examines how six MFP grantees (MO, LA, NE, NJ, OH, IL) are serving populations with diverse needs in the community and the factors that have contributed to their strong performance on key outcome measures.

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The State of Senior Hunger in America 2013: An Annual Report

This report provides an overview of the extent and distribution of food insecurity in 2013 among seniors, along with trends over the past decade using national and state-level data.The report finds senior hunger is on the rise, and in 2013, 15.5% of seniors (or 9.6 million) faced the threat of hunger. If you would like to request a hard copy version, please email Ali Diaz at

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A Long Road Ahead: Achieving True Parity in Mental Health & Substance Use Care

Health plans for people with pre-existing mental illness, if they included mental health benefits at all, have historically been more expensive, with limited benefits and significant administrative hurdles to obtaining care.This report describes a survey conducted by NAMI to assess the experiences of people living with mental illness and their families with private health insurance.The findings of the survey are supplemented with an analysis of 84 health plans in the top 15 states.

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More than a Meal: Results from a Pilot Randomized Control Trial of Home-Delivered Meal Programs

In light of a rapidly aging population, increasing costs, and funding that is not keeping pace, programs like Meals on Wheels face unprecedented challenges to meet the growing need for meal and nutrition services. Decision-makers at all levels of government and community-based organizations within the Aging Network are increasingly seeking lower cost solutions to stretch constrained budgets. This report investigates the impact of meal service delivery on the health and well-being of adults 60+.

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Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2011

This is one in a series of annual reports on participation in the Medicaid Buy-In program. It provides updates on both national- and state-level trends in enrollment, employment, and earnings among the 35 reporting Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) states with a Buy-In program in 2011. Additionally, it addresses recent changes to state program rules and policies, and identifies factors that have affected recent Buy-In program enrollment, as reported by the states in an annual questionnaire.

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