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AoA Evidence-based Disease and Disability Prevention Program

Funding support to states under the EBDDP program has been provided by AoA to empower older adults to take control of their health. In these programs, seniors learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle through increased self-efficacy and self-management behaviors. Classes are provided to older adults: In their own communities; In familiar non-clinical settings, such as community centers; In peer learning groups which provide support, socialization and reinforcement of positive health behavior changes

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AoA Community Living Program Grants

A competitive grant opportunity designed to assist individuals at risk of nursing home placement & spend down to Medicaid to enable them to continue to live in their community. The initiative encourages the Aging Services Network to modernize and transform funding from the OAA, or other non-Medicaid sources, into flexible consumer-directed service dollars. The grants complement CMS's Money Follows the Person to reach older adults before they enter a nursing home & supports rebalancing efforts.

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Protecting Family Caregivers from Employment Discrimination

This report covers the issues of eldercare and the workplace. It identifies discrimination in the workplace encountered by workers with eldercare responsibilities as an emerging trend and highlights the limited protections for working caregivers. The report calls for developing public and private solutions to ensure that workers with eldercare responsibilities receive equal employment opportunity and are protected from workplace discrimination.

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Managing State-Level ACA Implementation Through Interagency Collaboration

This report is designed to offer the collective wisdom and practical insights of state officials and technical experts related to the leadership and interagency coordination needed to implement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It discusses the role of leadership and a clear vision for reform, and outlines specific strategies being used by states from low-tech solutions to higher-tech tools. This brief then explores the potential of work planning and formal memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

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Maryland Department of Aging 2009-2012 State Plan on Aging

This document describes the State of Maryland’s plan on aging in accordance with Older Americans Act requirements. The plan describes the mission, objectives, and strategies of the Maryland’s Department of Aging to coordinate services for older adults. Maryland’s department has a mission to enable older citizens to age with independence and dignity. This Plan describes Maryland’s aging demographics as well as different programs and approaches for its aging population.

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Effectiveness of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs

This report serves as a follow-up to the 1995 Institute on Medicine (IOM) report which argued for an ombudsman program to address the quality of care in long-term institutional settings. This study investigates the role and effectiveness of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (LTCOPs) in improving care. Surveys with all states/territories reveal new findings on the structure of the program in different states as well as their own perceived effectiveness. Comprehensive data and analysis.

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Information Follows the Person: Advancing LTSS Integrated Electronic Records

This invitational symposium, sponsored by the Hilltop Institute, aims to examine the status of LTSS integrated record systems, prospects for future development, and ways to ensure that this new source of information is available to those who need it most. Electronic health record research and development, as well as government and private funding, is ubiquitous. Not so well-attended is the need to modernize, standardize, and integrate non-medical services records in the LTSS sector.

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Chronic Disease Self-Management: A Toolkit for Hospitals

The Toolkit was designed to help hospitals and community partners address the needs of people with chronic conditions by improving self-management skills. This toolkit provides information on the benefits of starting and sustaining a Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP), helpful sources and materials implementing the CDSMP.

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Medicare-Medicaid Enrollee State Profiles

Today there are over 9 million Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in the United States. To provide a greater understanding of the Medicare-Medicaid enrollee population, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has put together individual State profiles that examine the demographic characteristics, utilization, and spending patterns of Medicare-Medicaid enrollees and the programs that serve them in each State. Also review the National Summary Profile.

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) Website

CDC introduces an online interactive system that quickly helps translate state-level, disability-specific data into valuable public health information. With Disability & Health Data System (DHDS), users can customize how they view disability & health data throughout the country, making it easy to understand health disparity information, identify trends, & help support the development of fiscally-responsible, evidence-based programs, services and policies that include people with disabilities.

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