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Fall 2004 National MIG Conference - National Consortium for Health Systems Development

NCHSD held its 4th Annual National Fall Technical Assistance Conference for Medicaid Infrastructure Grantees. This year’s meeting featured pre-conference regional gatherings, a day-long session on building public-private partnerships with employers, updates from our CMS partners, and a series of state expert panel presentations. Attached are the Fall 2004 Conference Edition eNews with highlights and promising practices plus the conference materials and presentations from every session.

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Measuring the Years: State Aging Trends & Indicators

To assist states in preparing for the challenges and opportunities they will face as baby-boomers age, the National Governors Association's Center for Best Practice's (NGA Center) published this report designed to identify current trends and future directions, and to assist state policymakers in creating programs and policies that respond to need. This data book provides information on demographic shifts, health care concerns, & long term care workforce shortages.

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HUD 2005 Fair Market Rents - Housing Info Update #23

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published final FY 2005 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) that reflect the estimated 40th and 50th percentile rent levels trended to April 1, 2005. The FMRs determine the Section 8 payment amounts established by HUD for counties. FMRs apply to both renewal rents and initial rents for vouched programs. HUD is legally required to publish FMRs at least annually, adjusted to be effective on the first of October of each year.

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US Department of Justice Landmark Accommodations Agreement - Housing Info Update #22

On 9/29/04, the Dept of Justice announced the settlement of a lawsuit alleging a pattern of discrimination by the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) against low-income people with disabilities. The agreement, the first of its kind, enforces Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations against a public housing authority. Under the agreement, HABC will change its housing facilities, programs, policies & practices; commit several million dollars to new housing; and pay damages.

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Real Choice Systems Grant Program: Second Year Report (October 1, 2002–September 30, 2003)

This report describes the FY ‘01 & FY ‘02 Grantees’ accomplishments & progress, using information from 10/1/02 to 9/30/03 (Year Two of grant period for FY ‘01 Grantees & Year One of grant period for FY ‘02 Grantees). The report describes grant activities in six major areas: Consumer Direction & Control, Access to LTC Services & Supports, State Budgeting & Reimbursement Rates & Methodologies, Service Creation/Modification, LTC Service & Support Workforce, Quality Management Mechanism.

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Regional Housing Forum: A Technical Assistance Guide for Housing Resources and Strategies

Across the nation, people with disabilities, of all ages, are currently facing an affordable housing crisis. This guide provide information and guidance for states as they work collaboratively to develop realistic systems-level strategies to expand housing opportunities for people with disabilities. This guide was developed based on information and approaches detailed at a Regional Housing Forum in Washington, D.C. in Nov. 2002. A link to that meeting notes & presentation is below.

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