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The State of 21st Century Financial Incentives for Americans with Disabilities

This report offers recommendations to increase opportunities for people with disabilities to become fully involved in the economic mainstream of society. It presents research findings in key areas such as education and health care. It also describes selected state-level innovations affecting asset development and wealth accumulation. Finally, the report makes policy recommendations for securing meaningful employment, career advancement, and benefits needed for daily living and accommodations.

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State-by-State Guide to Transportation Assistance

AARP Bulletin Online has compiled a state-by-state list of local supports to help you quickly access transportation in your community. More than 6,000 transit systems nationwide provide some form of service to older riders, from reduced fares to use of low-floor vehicles to personalized training sessions. This resource puts information about these options in one place.

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Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Some States and Federal Agencies Are Taking Steps to Address Their Transition Challenges

Approximately 2.4 million young adults had a serious mental illness in 2006. To better understand challenges that will arise as these youth transition into adulthood, GAO was asked to provide information on the demographic characteristics of these young adults, how selected states assist them, and how the federal government supports states in serving them. The data come from national surveys, the Social Security Administration, published research, and site visits.

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Self-Determination and Revitalization of Integrated Employment - Wisconsin

Wisconsin uses MIG funds to increase integrated employment using strategies such as vocational planning, peer support, social enterprises, and self-employment. The first resource here presents best practices in integrated employment from 23 states. The rest are manuals and training materials for replicating vocational planning, social enterprise, and self-employment programs.

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Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures FY 2007

This memorandum presents data on Medicaid long-term care expenditures in Federal Fiscal Year 2007 (Oct 2006-Sept 2007). Table 1 presents national data on Medicaid expenditures for Long-Term Care from 1995-2007. Other tables present state-by-state data for Nursing Homes, ICF/MR, Personal Care, HCBS Waivers, Home Health, Home Care, 1115 Waivers focused on HCBS, and other Medicaid services.

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Enduring Changes of the FY 2001 and FY 2002 Nursing Facility Transition Grantees

This publication provides a summary overview of the accomplishments and enduring changes brought about by all of the Systems Change NFT Grantees Despite bringing about many enduring systems improvements, Grantees reported that many transition barriers remain. Grantees made recommendations to help states address continuing barriers to nursing facility transition and diversion so that no one need live in a nursing home simply because sufficient community services and supports are unavailable.

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Providing Personal Assistance Services Through a Medicaid State Plan Option

The Center for Workers with Disabilities prepared this report for the Virginia MIG advisory committee. It contains an analysis of the ways states provide personal assistance services (PAS) through a personal care Medicaid State Plan Option (SPO) to persons in Buy-In programs. It looks at specific legislation, State Plans and amendments, administrative rules, and implementation manuals. It ends with recommendations from an analysis conducted for Iowa on whether to implement this option there.

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Customized Employment Employers and Workers: Creating a Competitive Edge

Since 2001, the U.S. Department of Labor has funded 20 Customized Employment and 6 Workforce Action demonstration projects to identify policy mechanisms that effectively support customized employment. This report gives the background, key findings, successful strategies, obstacles, and analysis of the different projects. The main work product is a set of local, state, and federal policy recommendations generated by the initiative.

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Persons Served in Community Mental Health Programs and Employment – DataNote 17

How many people served by home and community-based mental health services in your state are employed? This DataNote explores this question and illustrates a wide variance in outcomes between states, suggesting the need for further research to identify and implement best practices.

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