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Understanding Enrollment Trends and Participant Characteristics of the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2003-2004

Advances in medicine and technology plus changes in social attitudes have improved employment opportunities for working-age adults with disabilities. Despite progress there are still barriers to employment. The Medicaid Buy-In program is an important component of the federal effort to make it easier for people with disabilities to work without losing health benefits. This report, the third in a series offers a profile of the 28 states with both Buy-In programs and Medicaid Infrastructure Grants.

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Engaging the Public Workforce Development System: Strategies for Investing in the Direct Care Workforce

Long-term care providers are often skeptical of the value of engaging in government workforce development initiatives. This Issue Brief examines the reluctance to invest and highlights five examples of successful partnerships between employers and workforce development networks. Partnerships are seeking to change business as usual to improve the quality of care, increase the supply of direct care workers and promote greater workforce stability through higher retention and lower turnover.

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Disability & Emergency Preparedness Resources Interactive Map Website

This unique web-based tool provides an accessible, interactive clearinghouse directory of regional, state, and local disability-related emergency management resources. As a service to first responders, emergency managers and people with disabilities, N.O.D.'s Emergency Preparedness Initative (EPI) is providing regional, state, and local disability-related emergency management resources. Click on the map to view a list of links to disability & emergency preparedness resources in your area.

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The State of the States in Developmental Disabilities Website

This website is from a research project administered by the University of Colorado. The site houses a list of publications, offers state profiles data and a complete list of helpful links. Visit the website to review the charts and tables for each state or to order a publications such as the new State of the States in Developmental Disabilities: 2005.

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The Illustrated History of Maine\'s Personal Assistance Services Association

Review this two-part report on establishing an Association for Direct Care and Direct Support Workers in Maine. The materials feature a timeline of activities, challenges and outcomes for the Maine PASA program. The companion piece, Our Stories provides snapshots of the work that PAS face everyday. These informative reports illustrate the developments and productivity of the program through examples and pictures.

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Compendium of Quality Indicators for Older Adults, Adults with Physical Disabilities, Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism and Living at Home, in the Community, or in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Muskie School of Public Service has complied over 15 tools and surveys. Included in the report are Participant Experience Surveys, Performance Indicators, Experience Surveys, Core Indicators, Consumer Surveys, Behavioral Risk Factors, Outcome Measures, and a variety of Quality Measures. Review the sample questions and tools shown in this Compendium of Quality Indicators.

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Results of the Maine Experience Survey Adults with Physical Disabilities Consumer Directed Waiver

As part of the Real Choice grant activities, Maine identified the need for a survey of consumers on the Consumer Directed Physically Disabled Waiver. This report provides the results of the in-home survey that was conducted by the Muskie School. The survey results identified some areas of focus and opportunities for increased training. Based on survey results, changes were made to the emergency back up plans, training with adaptive equipment and CNA registries.

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