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Listening to Family Caregivers: The Need to Include Family Caregiver Assessment in Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Service Waiver Programs

The report presents findings from a 50-state survey examining how well the needs of family caregivers are assessed when states evaluate the needs of older people & adults with disabilities who qualify for HCBS programs under Medicaid. It is the first detailed analysis of family caregiver assessment tools and processes in use by the states in Medicaid waiver programs. The report also highlights “promising practices” in family caregiver assessment in 3 states, and offers policy recommendations.

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Guardianship Laws and Durable Powers of Attorney: 2013 ADvancing States Survey results

In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states seeking information about guardianship laws and practices and about how states assure appropriate use of durable powers of attorney. Review the results from the 20 states who responded.

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Two-Thirds of States Integrating Medicare and Medicaid Services for Dual Eligibles

New research from AARP and ADvancing States finds that two-thirds of states either have or will launch new initiatives to better coordinate care for people who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid services over the next two years. To contain the growth of costs and improve care, many are moving to risk-based managed long-term services and supports models. This research finds that a number of states are exploring approaches to dual services integration outside of the CMS models.

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Aging Commissions in the States: Oversight vs. Advisory

States endow Commissions on Aging Services with different responsibilities. States that have Commissions with more of an oversight nature advise states about aging issues and are responsible for working with legislators, advocating for seniors, and evaluating needs and services. More advisory Commissions offer guidance in identifying and researching aging issues. Results of a ADvancing States survey found that 20 states have Commissions in place, 5 with oversight capacity, and 15 that are more advisory.

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Participant Experience Survey

ADvancing States conducted a survey of state agencies on aging and disability to determine if they conducted participant experience surveys to ensure quality. This asked four basic questions: if the state conducts participants experience survey; the frequency of conducting the survey; how the survey was completed; and who conducts the survey. The appendices include sample participant experience surveys from various states.

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Select State-by-State FY 2012 Discretionary State Formula Grant Tables

The Administration on Aging makes funds available to grantees through state Discretionary and Formula grants. This table lists the grant estimates for FY11 and FY12 and compares them to the actual discretionary state formula grant allotment for FY10. The different programs included in the table are Home and Community-Based Services, Nutrition Services, Preventive Health Services, Family Caregiver Support Services, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and Prevention of Elder Abuse and Neglect.

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2011 Governors' State of the State Addresses: Trends in Long-Term Services and Supports Initiatives

Governors’ State of the State addresses reveal policy and programmatic trends. This document tracks those comments made in such addresses that indicate wider policy initiatives that impact older adults and people with disabilities. A state-by-state analysis of 43 State addresses and budgets helps to illuminate overall trends in aging and disability policies, such as Medicaid changes and the restructuring of state departments and programs affecting long-term services and supports (LTSS).

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State Medicaid Integration Tracker©

Published monthly, this report and website tool focuses on state actions in managed care for people who receive Medicaid-funded LTSS and on state initiatives relating to services and costs. The Tracker includes updates on State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Individuals, the Balancing Incentives Payment Program (BIPP), states developing or implementing Medicaid State Plan amendments under §1915(i), and states pursuing the Communities First Choice Option under §1915(k).

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