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Effect Of Consumer Direction On Adults' Personal Care And Well-Being In Arkansas, New Jersey, And Florida

This study of the Cash & Counseling demonstration program for adults in the three participating states examines how a new model of consumer-directed care changes the way that consumers with disabilities meet their personal care needs and how that affects their well-being. Demonstration enrollment, which occurred between December 1998 and July 2002, was open to interested beneficiaries who were eligible for PCS under their state Medicaid plan.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52197

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Do Consumers Get Good Quality Care In A Consumer-Directed Program? Experience From The Cash & Counseling Demonstration And Evaluation

This article discusses the quality of care received by participants in the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation, including health outcomes, the potential for fraud and abuse, and participant satisfaction.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52196

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Tanya's Story: One Woman's Experience With Florida's Consumer Directed Care Program

This video offers a first-hand account of how one consumer negotiates the Cash & Counseling program. Developed as a part of the Consultant Training Project, this piece was produced by Burness Communications with funding from CMS and MEDSTAT. Follow the link to save and view the video.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52189

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Determining Personal Care Consumers' Preferences for a Consumer-Directed Cash & Counseling Option: Survey Results from Arkansas, Florida, New Jersey, and New York Elders and Adults with Disabilities

The purpose of this study was to determine consumers’ interest in a cash option for personal assistance services, in comparison to traditional agency-delivered services. Telephone surveys and focus groups produced information on four states, including demographics, and preference toward a cash option. The results are discussed and policy issues are examined.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52180

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Consumer-Directed Home Care in the Netherlands, England, and Germany

To help understand the implications of consumer-directed programs abroad, AARP's Public Policy Institute commissioned a study to describe and analyze consumer-directed programs in the Netherlands, England, and Germany. Researchers completed in-person interviews with key stakeholders and conducted an in-depth literature review.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52177

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The Effect of Consumer Direction on Personal Assistance Received in Arkansas

This study examines how this model of consumer-direction changes the way consumers meet their personal assistance needs. Consumers reported the type, timing, and amount of personal assistance they received, as well as any home or vehicle modifications and equipment purchases made, to meet their personal assistance needs. This report discusses consumer-satisfaction, unmet needs, and additional Medicaid costs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52176

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Consumer-Directed Care for Beneficiaries With Mental Illness: Lessons From New Jersey's Cash & Counseling Program

This study examined the effectiveness of the Cash & Counseling program for those with a diagnosis of mental illness using previous research from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) program in New Jersey. The link to the article abstract is available here.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52169

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Consumer Preferences for a Consumer-Directed Cash Option Versus Traditional Services: Telephone Survey Findings for Florida Elders and Adults with Physical Disabilities

Review the findings of this telephone survey focusing on the preferences of Florida elders and adults with physical disabilities toward a cash option or traditional services. Results include a description of the sample demographics, services received, satisfaction level, and interest in a cash option.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52167


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