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California Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities

How does the state of California help their youth with disabilities to reach their future education and career goals? The Youth Leadership Forum is a five day program that provides information on everything from technology to resource agencies, and helps participants to create a "Personal Leadership Plan" and interact with leaders in the State and Nation. To learn more, explore their website and workbooks for facilitators and students.

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Yo! Disabled and Proud Website- California

Youth with disabilities experience an extreme sense of social isolation, which comes out of not sharing a collective disability identity, and disability pride. YO! will assist youth with disabilities to learn about the disability rights movement, disability history, disability pride, disability organizing and advocacy. To learn more, explore the attached website and outreach material.

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Dual Eligibles: Medicaid Enrollment and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries in 2007

This report provides the latest national and state data on enrollment and spending for individuals enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare, also known as dual eligibles. There were about 8.9 million dual eligibles in 2007. Dual eligibles are among the sickest and poorest individuals covered by either program. Although they comprised 15% of Medicaid enrollment, dual eligibles accounted for 39% ($121 billion) of Medicaid spending for medical services & for more than a quarter of Medicare spending.

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Disability Benefits 101 (DB 101) – Online Resource

DB101 provides online tools, resources and information on health coverage, work and benefits for people with disabilities and those supporting them. Four states (California, Minnesota, Michigan and New Jersey) have their own sites, which include benefits calculators to help individuals understand how a job may affect total income and health coverage, or whether they may qualify for specific state programs. The resource is a product of the Employment and Disability Benefits Initiative.

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File Downloads / Links Online Data on Dual Eligibles – Website

Are you looking for state data on people who are simultaneously enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid? Find a number of useful interactive tables, charts, and graphs including Medicaid spending by service, spending per dual eligible, dual eligible enrollment, duals as a percentage of Medicaid enrollees, and more.

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StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes – 2009

Unemployment of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) continues to be a significant public policy concern. This report looks at statistics over a 20-year period from several national data sets that address the status of employment and economic self-sufficiency for this population, and contains an overview of national trends, an in-depth perspective on how states collect and use employment data, and an Appendix with individual state and national profiles.

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Coming Home®: Affordable Assisted Living

America's rural communities contain the nation's highest concentrations of older people. Learn about the results of a 13-year, $13-million national program created in 1992 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NCB Capital Impact to develop affordable assisted living models, with a focus on smaller and rural communities and low-income seniors. Learn about the strategy, program design, implementation, results and lessons learned.

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Long-Term Care Cost Study

Growth in the cost of long-term care services in the U.S. has slowed somewhat during the past two years. As home health care gains in popularity, however, costs are beginning to rise more rapidly and are expected to increase steadily over the next few years. Read about these trends and more in this 2010 study that looked at consumer perceptions and cost trends by state and key metropolitan areas.

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Ticket to Work Ambassadors - California

How is California disseminating information to its disabled college students and newly graduated college students about work incentives and who to connect to in the community to obtain assistance? The California Ambassadors Program hires and trains disabled college students to provide outreach and education for fellow disabled peers. Attached, find a multitude of resources, presentations, and trainings put out by the state of California regarding this important program.

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Medi-Cal 250% Working Disabled Program Presentations and Resources - California

This program was established so workers with disabilities and earned income under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level could keep coverage by paying a monthly premium. It provides choice and opportunity to Californians with disabilities who would otherwise be ineligible for full scope Medi-Cal coverage due to earned income and work activity. Included are presentations and resources intended to educate consumers on this and other MIG programs.

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