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AoA Evidence-based Disease and Disability Prevention Program

Funding support to states under the EBDDP program has been provided by AoA to empower older adults to take control of their health. In these programs, seniors learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle through increased self-efficacy and self-management behaviors. Classes are provided to older adults: In their own communities; In familiar non-clinical settings, such as community centers; In peer learning groups which provide support, socialization and reinforcement of positive health behavior changes

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California State Plan on Aging 2009-2013

The California State Plan on Aging describes the goals of California’s Department of Aging to promote independence and well-being for its older adults. This Plan identifies the key areas it wishes to pursue, including access to transportation, community involvement, and wellness programs, in collaboration with the local and regional agencies. The Plan also explains the organizational structure of California’s aging network and the unique population it serves.

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Effectiveness of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs

This report serves as a follow-up to the 1995 Institute on Medicine (IOM) report which argued for an ombudsman program to address the quality of care in long-term institutional settings. This study investigates the role and effectiveness of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (LTCOPs) in improving care. Surveys with all states/territories reveal new findings on the structure of the program in different states as well as their own perceived effectiveness. Comprehensive data and analysis.

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Status of States’ Dual Demonstration Grants

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has provided funding and technical assistance to states to develop state plans' to coordinate care for dual eligibles, persons eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. This chart shows the status of those states selected for the Dual Demonstration grants, the model chosen, and target implementation. It also includes links to each state's plan.

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Strengthening the Aging Network Issue Brief: Area Agency on Aging Monitoring and Spend-Down Requirements

The Older Americans Act of 1965 created the National Aging Network with many states adopting Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. This brief is a summary of two surveys regarding states’ monitoring practices of their Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and states’ spending rules for their AAAs. All states with Area Agencies on Aging which were surveyed reported that they conduct some monitoring, and most differed in their rules concerning excess funds.

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Medicare-Medicaid Enrollee State Profiles

Today there are over 9 million Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in the United States. To provide a greater understanding of the Medicare-Medicaid enrollee population, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has put together individual State profiles that examine the demographic characteristics, utilization, and spending patterns of Medicare-Medicaid enrollees and the programs that serve them in each State. Also review the National Summary Profile.

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States Encounter Obstacles Moving Elderly And Disabled Into Community

Launched in 2007 during the Bush administration, the Money Follows the Person Program has supported states’ rebalancing efforts of moving low-income older adults and disabled people from long-term care facilities into the community. The program offers states extra Medicaid funding to pay for the participant's home and community-based services over 12 months. This article addresses the major challenges of the participating states in terms of administering the program.

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An Overview of Recent Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waiver Activity

Section 1115 waivers provide states an avenue to test new approaches in Medicaid that differ from federal program rules. Waivers can provide states significant flexibility in how they operate programs and can have a significant impact on program financing. As such, waivers have important implications for beneficiaries, providers, and states. This brief provides an overview of Section 1115 waiver authority, the waiver approval process, and recent waiver activity and discusses the implications.

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) Website

CDC introduces an online interactive system that quickly helps translate state-level, disability-specific data into valuable public health information. With Disability & Health Data System (DHDS), users can customize how they view disability & health data throughout the country, making it easy to understand health disparity information, identify trends, & help support the development of fiscally-responsible, evidence-based programs, services and policies that include people with disabilities.

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Paying for Senior Care: Understand Your Financial Options for Long Term Care website and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool were created and maintained by the American Elder Care Research Organization. The mission is to assist individuals in the planning and implementing of long-term senior care. The website is designed to help families and caregivers locate information about long-term care resources for their loved ones, and to find the public and private programs available to assist in covering the cost of such care.

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