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Long Term Care Costs – Survey, Map, and Trends

This annual report by Genworth Financial provides detailed information on the cost of long-term care (LTC) in the U.S. Current costs and historic trends are identified and organized by state, setting of care, and type of service provider. The website includes interactive state maps and further information on private funding options for LTC.

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The Three E's: Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2006

Find here a profile of enrollment, employment, and earnings in the 32 states with both a Medicaid Buy-In program and a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) in 2006. Specifically, the report identifies how employment and earnings are influenced by the characteristics of participants and state programs.

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This website, from the Institute for Community Inclusion, generates customized charts of state and national disability employment data. It currently includes data sets from state mental retardation/developmental disabilities agencies, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Social Security Administration, and US Dept. of Labor. Users can compare up to three states variables or download raw data sets. Posted here is a Data Note detailing state expenditures for integrated employment services.

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State Strategies to Build and Sustain Consumer Advocacy

This report compares strategies of eight states engaged in strengthening consumer participation in long-term care (LTC) policy advocacy. The authors identify several tips for states to encourage consumer advocacy with the goals of increasing the efficacy and accountability of programs. This paper is part of a project funded by CMS to study ways to create a more equitable balance between Medicaid funds for LTC going to institutional services versus community-based supports.

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State Legislation Regarding Wages and Benefits of Home Care Workers: Thirteen Promising Practices

Find thirteen examples of state level legislation that improve the wages, collective bargaining rights, or insurance of personal care workers and home health aides. The report also includes graphics illustrating workforce trends and a list of potential best practices that were not passed into law in their respective states.

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Compendium of Home Modification and Assistive Technology Policy and Practice Across the States

The purpose of this compendium is to establish baseline knowledge of the scope of assistive technology and home modification services that states make available to Medicaid-eligible adults. This study provides federal and state policymakers with basic information to inform planning and policy development. It also provides other stakeholders, including consumers, with valuable information about Medicaid State Plan and HCBS waiver.

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The Coming Home Project Demonstration Case Study Series

Compare best practices from affordable assisted living projects in Florida, Vermont, Washington and Arkansas. Each study details proven project structures, such as a review of service fees, staffing patterns and project financing; lessons learned from project sponsors; and key distinguishing features such as new construction in rural communities or use of low income housing tax credits and conversion of public housing facilities.

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Assisted Living in Rural Markets

This study evaluates the efficacy of applying standard market study methodologies and benchmarks for assisted living to rural markets and identifies factors that may contribute to the success of assisted living residences in rural markets. Written as part of the Coming Home Program, this publication offers ideas about how states with comparable policy environments should make allowances for more acute resident profiles, a more Medicaid-based payment mix, and higher market capture rates.

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The Administration’s Medicaid Regulations: State-By-State Impacts

This report details the state-by-state impacts of seven regulations issued by the CMS that would make major wide-ranging changes. Areas affected include cost limits for public providers, graduate medical education, outpatient hospital services, provider taxes, rehabilitative services, school administration and transportation services, and case management services. The website offers an interactive map showing how proposed regulations would impact each state.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Compendium Seventh Edition

The Compendium contains basic information about each of the Real Choice Systems Change Grantees receiving awards in FY 2004. It includes information for the Family-to-Family and Systems Transformation Grantees who received awards in FY 2005 and FY 2006 plus the Person-Centered Planning Implementation awards in FY 2007. It is divided into sections corresponding to the different types of grants and year of award; the report helps Grantees identify others with similar goals and activities.

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