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State Views on Program Administration Challenges

This report highlights results from a 50-state GAO survey on what challenges states are experiencing related to federal Medicaid regulations. As part of the survey, GAO conducted interviews with state Medicaid officials to identify the areas of greatest concern. This report identifies four program areas that were rated as significant or moderate challenges to effective program administration. GAO also discusses potential federal actions to address these challenges

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Take-Up Rates in Medicare Savings Programs and the Part D Low-Income Subsidy Among Community-Dwelling Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65 and Older

This study highlights the systematic barriers that keep nearly three million low-income older adults from accessing programs that help pay for health care. This issue brief shows that one-third of people eligible for Medicare Savings Programs are not currently enrolled. Barriers to enrollment include lack of awareness around the programs or an inability to complete the process. This issue brief also identifies potential policy solutions for improving access to these assistance programs.

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Serving Diverse Elders: Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion in Service Planning and Delivery

This guide provides tools, resources, and best practices that the Aging Network can use as a reference to plan services and programs that are more inclusive to these diverse elders. The guide outlines background information on diverse elders; discusses how to asses the needs of this population and include them in the planning process; and highlights inclusive goals, objectives, and measures of success.

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MACPAC June 2020 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP

The MACPAC June 2020 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP was created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights long-term challenges facing Medicaid. Across six chapters, it discusses key issues including integrated care for dually eligible Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries, Medicare Savings Programs, and Medicaid's statutory role as the payer of last resort.

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Aging and Disabilities Information Technology Systems: What You Need to Know

This issue brief is the first publication from the Aging and Disabilities Technology Workgroup. The paper seeks to define key IT terms for agency staff and explain how they relate to the technology that is currently used in aging and disabilities services as well as emerging opportunities in the field.

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Addressing Social Isolation for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Crisis

Thank you to all of the states and organizations who have responded with activities, ideas, and actions taken to address social isolation for older adults during the COVID-19 crisis. The following document combines responses received thus far. Please continue to submit state, CBO, and facility activities to ADvancing States so that we may continue to share practices from across the country. Thank you for all you are doing to help decrease loneliness in older adults! UPDATED: 10.14.20

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Exploring Options for Integration: State Considerations to Better Coordinate Medicare and Medicaid

This webinar discussed two issue briefs from the MLTSS Institute on aligning Medicare and Medicaid for dually eligible individuals. The briefs covered were, "Starting from Square One: Considerations for States Exploring Medicare-Medicaid" and, “The Value of Integration to State Medicaid Agencies”. The webinar also highlighted the perspective of the District of Columbia, which is planning to launch new program elements to better integrate care.

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Short-Term Money Follows the Person Extensions Resulted in a Significant Drop in State Efforts to Transition People Out of Institutions

The Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) released a brief describing how short-term extensions of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program have curtailed state efforts in transitioning individuals out of institutions. The CLPC based their findings on CMS data on annual transitions in each state.

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Starting from Square One: Considerations for States Exploring Medicare-Medicaid Integration

This issue brief from the MLTSS Institute focuses on aspects of delivering effective care to individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Only about 2/3 of states have undertaken any activity to better integrate care for dually eligible beneficiaries; many have encountered a number of barriers in pursuing better integration of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. This issue brief identifies key questions that states should ask themselves before they design an integrated care program.

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