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Achieving Better Chronic Care at Lower Costs Across the Health Care Continuum for Older Americans

A conference was held to inform potential solutions to improve the cost and quality of care across the health care continuum for older Americans. Synthesizing the conference, this report addresses many of the challenges facing individuals with chronic conditions and functional impairments, and identifies new opportunities for the integration of medical services and social supports tailored to older Americans and supported by new payment designs.

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Evaluation of Connect-Ability - Connecticut

Looking for samples of MIG program evaluations? The state of Connecticut created the attached evaluation reports for their Connect-Ability Program. These samples contain program details and the needs, experiences, and satisfaction of individuals who received services. Also included are the procedures and outcomes of nine strategic plans implemented by Local Level Pilot programs. These reports could be helpful for states interesting in evaluating similar initiatives.

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Youth Transition Toolkit - California

Find seven practical,person-centered planning tools for transition planning for youths with disabilities. This toolkit is for youths with disabilities ages 12-18+, with the ultimate goal of easing the transition from junior high school into high school, then on to college and/or employment. Included is information on developing Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, Individual Transition Plans and more.

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National Resource Center on LGBT Aging - Website

Older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals face a number of obstacles as they age and develop the need for supports and services. This national technical assistance resource center was created to address the barriers that prevent LGBT elders from receiving the services they need. The center provide will provide training, technical assistance and educational resources to aging providers, LGBT organizations and LGBT older adults.

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Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program - Texas

Texas is using its MFP Demonstration to address some of the obstacles to relocation and successful access to community living through interagency collaboration, development of the necessary infrastructure to support relocation, and utilization of evidence-based practices. Attached find two presentations delivered at the 2010 HCBS conference, as well as links to the program’s on-line proposal and operational protocol.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: 10 Years of Systems Change Activities-Lessons Learned and Future Needs – Issue Brief

Implementation of ACA will raise a number of issues for working people with disabilities currently receiving Medicaid, especially regarding how the Acts’ provisions will interact with the programs that currently provide them access to care. This brief addresses challenges such as these, succinctly delineating data-supported lessons learned by the MIG grantees in their experience with the program, and future needs associated with them.

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Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Older workers are a valuable resource for the workforce. SCSEP’s mission is to enhance employment opportunities for unemployed older Americans and promote them as a solution for businesses seeking trained, qualified, and reliable employees. They are committed to providing high-quality job training and employment assistance to participants, and have an extensive network of service providers. View their website and three related presentations delivered at the 2010 HCBS conference.

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The Culture Change Network of Georgia - Website

The mission of this network is to promote and foster culture change "to improve the quality of life for older Georgians and those closest to them in all settings where aging services are delivered”. The Network was founded in 2008 and includes a clearinghouse for organizations and providers working on person-centered, long-term care in multiple care settings. Numerous resources can be found on their site, along with information on special projects, supporting organizations and more.

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Hoping for Economic Recovery, Preparing for Health Reform: A Look at Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy Trends

For the tenth consecutive year, a survey of Medicaid officials in all 50 states and DC was conducted to track trends in Medicaid spending, enrollment and policy initiatives. Findings are presented for FYs 2010 and 2011. As states grapple with historically difficult budget conditions, they must also plan for the implementation of the ACA. Review this report including background on the Medicaid program, as well as current issues the program faces.

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Return-to-Work Toolkit for Employees & Employers - Website

Effective return-to-work approaches can help employees work while still recuperating, protecting their earning power and boosting an organization's output. In many instances, work itself plays an important role in the recovery process. The Office of Disability Employment Policy has developed an online toolkit to help both employers and employees understand the return-to-work process and provide resources to assist in getting employees back on the job quickly and smoothly.

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