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Managed Care Technical Assistance Center

CMS will provide individualized technical assistance to the states on managed care program operations, including planning and procurement, benefit design and serving the needs of complex populations, access and quality, and the use of data for program oversight and management. The Medicaid Managed Care Technical Assistance Center is part of CMS's larger efforts to provide comprehensive information and guidance on Medicaid managed care program operations.

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Weaving It Together: A Tapestry of Transportation Funding for Older Adults

This report provides insight into how transportation services for older adults and persons with disabilities are funded. With a growing population in need of transportation and limited funds for these services, providers need to creatively leverage existing and untapped funding sources to fill gaps in service. Coordination of these limited resources is also key and must be supported by providers and all levels of government. Learn major sources of federal funding that providers can tap into.

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Guide to Support Group Partnership

Support groups are recognized as a valuable psychosocial dynamic to promote insight unique to personal circumstances. Individuals who have similar life experiences can honestly relate with a “been there, done that, still here” testimony. The following information will review the psychosocial importance, the developmental process, and the maintenance of support groups. Professionals working in any specialized area are often asked about support groups and are called upon to implement such groups.

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State Medicaid Directors Letter: Federal and State Oversight of Medicaid Expenditures

CMS released a letter to State Medicaid Directors discussing mutual obligations and accountability of both state and federal governments for the integrity of the Medicaid program and the development, application, and improvement of safeguards vital to ensure proper and appropriate use of federal and state dollars. The letter also discusses a new requirement that states submit upper payment limit (UPL) demonstrations on an annual basis, and guidance on the format and method of UPL demonstration.

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State Medicaid Directors Letter: Affordable Care Act 4106 (Preventative Services)

New guidance establishes a one percentage point increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for certain preventive services. States must cover their standard Medicaid benefit package, all recommended preventative services, administration, adult vaccines, and can not impose cost-sharing on these services in order to claim the one percentage point.

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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center has released a report that examines the travel behavior and mobility of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and people in rural areas. NHTS data on driving, mode choice, use of public transportation, and issues and concerns regarding transportation are highlighted.

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Leveling the Playing Field: Attracting, Engaging and Advancing People with Disabilities

This report looks at how employers are building competitive advantage through workplace practices that engage people with disabilities, including recent veterans and older workers. It finds that companies that employ people with disabilities reap numerous benefits. For instance, active recruiting and retention of employees with disabilities can both significantly expand the pool of talent and create new business opportunities.

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Money Follows the Person: A 2012 Survey of Transitions, Services and Costs

Four new papers look at the Money Follows the Person demonstration program, drawing on a 2012 survey of state MFP programs. A total of 46 states have received federal grant money under the program, which was extended through 2016 by the Affordable Care Act. As of August 2012, over 25,000 individuals nationally had been transitioned back to the community since the program’s inception. The survey report describes trends in enrollment, services and per-capita spending in state MFP efforts.

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Administration for Community Living (ACL) Website

The ACL website brings together three agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services: Administration on Aging, Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Office on Disability. The new website offers resources about programs, services and issues facing persons with disabilities, older adults, and family caregivers. Site features include current issues, assessable icons to learn about ACL programs and information spread to the disability and aging communities.

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HCBS Quality Communication # 12: Revised Interim Procedural Guidance (IPG) & Technical Assistance Products

In our last update on HCBS quality (CMS Interim Procedural Guidance Update: May 28, 2004) we announced changes to the Interim Procedural Guidance (IPG) and offered further clarification of the review process. This communication announces additional changes to the IPG and the release of two technical assistance products.

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