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At the Crossroads: Providing Long-Term Services and Supports at a Time of High Demand and Fiscal Constraint

A survey of state aging, disability and Medicaid agencies was conducted in 2012, in order to better understand challenges and concerns for funding and providing quality LTSS. Five common themes were identified in this report, including staff turnover and reductions during a sluggish recovery of state budgets. Other findings include an overall expansion of home and community-based services, LTSS transformation and reduced funding and high demand for non-Medicaid aging and disability services.

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The Continuity of Medicaid Coverage: An Update

This report describes research conducted on the continuity of enrollment of Medicaid beneficiaries. Continuous enrollment in a health insurance plan promotes chronic disease management and is more cost-effective. The research found that Medicaid beneficiaries are on average enrolled in the program for just 9.7 months out of the year. This disruption in enrollment leads to higher monthly medical costs and interferes with efforts to measure quality of care delivered through Medicaid.

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A Profile of Older Americans: 2012

This annual summary uses information from the US Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Care Statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to display the demographic shift, as well as the health, geographic distribution and economic changes of those over 65 in the United States. This report found that 13.3 percent of the population is 65 and older, but this demographic is expected to grow to 21 percent by 2040. Changes from previous summaries are analyzed and projections are made.

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AIRS Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral - 7th edition

What are the current realities, practices and needs of the I&R field? The Version 7.0 of the AIRS Standards is a comprehensive upgrade to the guide that offers foundation and credentialing outlines. Some of the changes from the previous version are relatively minor such as modifications in the wording of the Standard or relocation of a Quality Indicator to another Standard, to add clarity. In addition to these changes, there is the creation of a new Technology Standard (Standard 25).

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Health Information Technology Successes-You Tube Channel

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a new YouTube channel. It shows successful health information technology projects that focus on ways to enhance quality measurement, preventive care & medication management. These videos provide insights for health services researchers, health care providers and patient advocates on how AHRQ research supports the use of health IT to improve quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of care.

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Managed Care Technical Assistance Center

CMS will provide individualized technical assistance to the states on managed care program operations, including planning and procurement, benefit design and serving the needs of complex populations, access and quality, and the use of data for program oversight and management. The Medicaid Managed Care Technical Assistance Center is part of CMS's larger efforts to provide comprehensive information and guidance on Medicaid managed care program operations.

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State Studies Find Home and Community-Based Services to Be Cost Effective

The vast majority of people in need of long-term services and supports (LTSS) want to live in their own homes and communities. States have made progress in providing greater access to home and community based services (HCBS) for people with low incomes. Many states have also conducted studies to ensure that HCBS are cost effective. This report contains a summary of a collection of relevant state studies as well as Web links. The study shows states have contained costs as they expanded HCBS.

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Weaving It Together: A Tapestry of Transportation Funding for Older Adults

This report provides insight into how transportation services for older adults and persons with disabilities are funded. With a growing population in need of transportation and limited funds for these services, providers need to creatively leverage existing and untapped funding sources to fill gaps in service. Coordination of these limited resources is also key and must be supported by providers and all levels of government. Learn major sources of federal funding that providers can tap into.

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2013 State of the States in Developmental Disabilities

Review a comparative nationwide longitudinal study of public financial commitments and programmatic trends in services and supports for people with IDD which is funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The project maintains a 35-year longitudinal record of revenue, spending, and programmatic trends in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the US. Listen to the webinar for highlights on how to use the interactive website to develop tailored charts.

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