Truven Health Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Wisconsin- Resource Centers Offering Access to Services and Comprehensive Information

This report details the State of Wisconsin’s Aging and Disability Resource Centers that offer information to the general public about a wide range of community supports available to older persons and persons with disabilities. The Resource Centers also give in-depth advice about long-term support options and provide a single entry point for persons seeking access to the state’s home and community based services programs.

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: Oregon\'s HCBS System

This report provides a description of Oregon’s home and community based service system. The document provides information on several service areas and programs including streamlining program access, person-centered services, and person centered management systems. Future directions and lessons learned are also discussed.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Colorado- Simplified Access to Nursing Home Alternatives

The State of Colorado has established Single Entry Point (SEP) agencies that provide an access point for several publicly funded long-term supports for people with disabilities, including older people, people with physical disabilities, people living with AIDS, and people with brain injuries. SEP agencies provide education to individuals about available options and provide easier access for individuals and families to the programs. This report describes the SEP system in Colorado.

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Participant Experience Survey and Workbook for Improving Quality Conference Call

This audio conference was organized specifically to meet the needs of grantees who expressed interest in hearing more about two CMS-sponsored tools designed to help states develop and refine their quality assurance and quality improvement systems. The two tools are the Participant Experience Survey and Workbook.

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Promising Practices In HCBS: Arkansas – Cash Allowances and Support Services for People with Disabilities

Arkansas is part of a demonstration project to measure the impact of substituting a cash allowance for Medicaid services from provider agencies. This report describes how the participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one that received Medicaid personal care through a provider agency and one that received a monthly cash allowance and services to help them effectively use the allowance, and their respective outcomes.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Florida- Providing Managed Care Organizations with Financial Incentives to Expand Community Care and Limit Nursing Home Care

This report briefly describes a managed long-term care pilot project the State of Florida has initiated to test a Medicaid managed care program that includes incentives for coordinating acute and long-term care and for using less expensive, community-based alternatives to nursing homes for people age 65 or older with disabilities. This report includes background information and descriptions of the intervention, implementation, and impact.

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Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures, FY2000

The data presented in Tables A through N are derived from HCFA 64 reports submitted by states to the Health Care Financing Administration. The HCFA 64 is the form used by states to claim Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for state Medicaid outlays, and is audited by the Federal government. It is thus considered to be one of the most reliable sources of information on state Medicaid spending.

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Expenditures, FY1995-2000

The accompanying tables and graphs present data on Medicaid expenditures for 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services waivers from FY 1995 through FY 2000. The memo provides detailed data on expenditures for individual waivers. In addition, the materials classify each 1915(c) waiver by target population, and present information on the distribution of expenditures for HCBS services across long term care populations.

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Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers: Program Data 1992-1999

This report updates and builds upon the Medicaid 1915(c) home and community based waiver data collected for 1992-1997 and for part of 1998 in two previous studies by Charlene Harrington, Ph.D., for the Health Care Financing Administration (Contract 500-97-0002). This work is part of a larger study on the home and community based service program being conducted for The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Expenditures,FY1995-2001

The accompanying two tables and two graphs present data on Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver expenditures from Federal Fiscal Years 1995 through 2001. This is the second annual memo we have produced on Medicaid spending for individual HCBS waivers. As we did last year, we have classified each waiver by target population to present information on the distribution of HCBS waiver expenditures across long term care populations.

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