The Lewin Group

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Planning Retreat Presentations: National Vision and Expectations and Systems Overview

Two presentations from the South Carolina Planning Retreat in January 2004 can be found here. A presentation by Susan Reinhard, of the Community Living Exchange Collaborative, focuses on ADRC purpose, goals, and system issues. A presentation by Karen Linkins and Sharon Zeruld, TAE, focuses on national vision and expectations for ADRCs.

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Indicators of Cultural Competence in Health Care Delivery Organizations: An Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment Profile

The question “How do we know cultural competence when we see it?” prompted HRSA to sponsor a project to develop indicators of cultural competence in health care delivery organizations. The tool is intended to 1)develop an analytic framework for assessing cultural competence in health care delivery organizations; 2)identify specific indicators that can be used in connection with this framework; and 3) assess utility, feasibility and practical application of the framework and its indicators.

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Aging & Disability Resource Center Technical Assistance Website and Presentation

The innovative site is an important component of the ADRC Technical Assistance Exchange, housed at The Lewin Group. ADRCs are designed to overcome barriers to community living for people with disabilities of all ages by streamlining access to long-term support services through \"one-stop\" resource centers. Twenty-three states and one territory have received grants to develop ADRCs. Also included here is a presentation of the major TA activities support for the ADRC grantees.

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Medicaid HCBS Study Reports

Reports from the CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally known as HCFA) Medicaid HCBS Study of the impact of Medicaid home and community based services programs on quality of life, quality of care, utilization and cost. The research project will study the financing and delivery of services to older and younger people with disabilities and the Medicaid financing and delivery of services for individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (MR/DD) in six states.

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