The Lewin Group

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Overview of ADRC Program – Online Training

Learn about the purpose, goals and activities of ADRCs. This course is geared towards ADRC staff, as well as others serving people with needs for long-term care information, services and supports. It includes a description of resources available on the ADRC-TAE website as well as links to other valuable resources. This course is helpful for anyone who wants to learn about the current trends in LTC policy at the federal, state, and local levels.

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Strategies for Improving DSW Recruitment, Retention, and Quality: What We Know about What Works, What Doesn’t, and Research Gaps

Review strategies states can adopt to increase recruitment and retention of direct-care workers and to improve the quality of the care those workers provide. Reported strategies include increasing wages and benefits, introducing peer mentoring programs, and giving workers a greater say in decision-making. The findings also suggest a targeted approach to recruitment, focusing on groups currently underrepresented in the direct-care workforce, such as men, immigrants, and older workers.

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Changing Systems, Changing Lives - 2010 AOA, CMS, and VA Grantee National Meeting

View presentations and handouts associated with this meeting held in Feb. 2010 in Alexandria, VA. Objectives of the meeting included increasing grantees' knowledge of successful strategies to propel their ADRC, CLP, and VDHCBS programs towards fully functioning status, showcasing best practices, promoting peer-to-peer exchange, building workforce capacity and encouraging successful partnerships for achieving sustainable reform. The conference featured a variety of plenary and workshop sessions.

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Strengthening the Direct Service Workforce in Rural Areas

There are a number of challenges for the direct service workforce in rural areas. Review an issue brief and a recorded webinar presenting strategies that stakeholders can use to provide high-quality long-term care services and supports. States engaged in development of their direct service workforce can use these to gain knowledge of the challenges and learn about some direct service related strategies that other states and rural agencies have implemented.

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Direct Service Workforce Core Competencies: Annotated Bibliography

This bibliography summarizes current thinking about developing core competencies for all direct care workers, regardless of the setting they work in. It includes recommendations from six state-level reports, two national studies, and the federal Retooling the Health Care Workforce for an Aging America Act.

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2010 CLP and ADRC National Meeting- Call for Sessions

Community Living Program and Aging & Disability Resource Center grantees, and Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services programs, evaluators, researchers, and other stakeholders are welcome to answer this call for proposals. Attendance is invitation only, but interested subject matter expert are encouraged to submit sessions and/or recommend a consumer to attend. Deadline is Dec. 15, 2009, “Changing Systems, Changing Lives” will be Feb. 22-24, 2010 in Alexandria, VA.

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How ADRCs Can Effectively Assist Veterans: Issue Brief

This updated issue brief defines Veterans and the new Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services (VDHCBS) programs to enhance home-based supports for veterans. Also included are sucessful state collaboration examples and a list of resources. Appendix A provides an overview of the VA Priority Groups. Appendix B shows estimated VA Expenditures by state.

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