Grantee produced

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Massachusetts C-PASS Evaluation Report and Coordinating Council Self-Evaluation Report

Two different reports assessed the MA C-PASS activities. First, an independent evaluation of the goals and accomplishment, information gathered from structured interviews. The second report is a ‘self-evaluation’ from the Coordinating Council who evaluated their own performance. Review the findings on self-determination, the planning process, the barriers encountered and goals achieved.

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First Steps Handbook: How to get organized to find the help you need

A product of the MASS C-PASS mini-grant project operated by the Multicultural Services Center of the Pioneer Valley (Otro Puente) this bilingual guide was designed for newly arrived Latino individuals and families to the city of Holyoke, MA. Written in response to concerns that many families don’t know how to start looking for supports for a person living with a disability, the guide reviews how to prepare for an interview or home visit, ways to gather information and a list of local agencies.

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CPASS and Consumer Direction Hawaii Website

This site was created to support self-advocates and their communities to participate in Statewide personal assistance service systems change, promoting consumer-directed service models through community councils and customized training and technical assistance. The list of tools includes CPASS Business such as the calendar and newsletter as well as Consumer Direction & CPASS Resources and Training materials (Self-Advocacy and Personal Assistance Handbooks, Service Models, Support Brokerage).

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The Impact of Premium Changes on CommonHealth-Working Enrollment

In 2003, Massachusetts substantially increased premiums charged to enrollees in its CommonHealth-Working (CH-W) program. This study evaluates the impact of the premium change on enrollment. Findings indicate the premium increase had a small, but statistically significant impact on program exits. Key factors as to why the CH-W experience differs from other state programs experiencing similar enrollment declines are discussed. A report and presentation of the study are included.

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Service Documentation Workshop

Developed through Oregon's 2004 Real Choice Grant, Integrating Long-Term Supports with Affordable Housing, this presentation is part of an interactive workshop with mental health staff to address issues and barriers surrounding the documentation of service delivery in community and in-home settings. The workshop covers how services are reimbursed through Medicaid, delineates the requirements that must be met for service documentation, and also allows time for group participation and practice.

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Will Medicaid Buy-In Participants Work and Earn More if Social Security Rules Change?

The brief reports findings of a survey to assess how many Kansas Working Healthy Medicaid Buy-In participants would likely increase their employment and earnings under a gradual Social Security Disability Insurance offset program. 25% of the respondents would try to work and earn more if this program was available and 25% maybe would do so. Researchers suggest benefit offset programs coupled with existing Medicaid Buy-In programs have potential to increase employment and earnings for people.

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Partnerships to Independence: Resources for Successful Nursing Home Transitions

Partnerships to Independence (PTI) was created by the Birmingham Independent Living Center in Birmingham, Alabama through a grant from CMS. This transition guide addresses nursing home outreach, support needs and skills, follow-up, and barriers. The purpose of PTI was to develop a model program that could be replicated in other CILs in Alabama and the US. ILC staff identified a number of basic resources and strategies that can be used to promote nursing home transition.

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Partnership Development: Aging and Developmental Disability Coalition

Diverse partnerships ensure that the needs and interests of all aging and developmental disability client groups are represented. The Georgia ADRC developed this resource to help organizations build partnerships between Aging and Developmental Disability groups. Partnerships often emerge naturally between individuals and organizations who share a common vision or concern. This resource provides a series of questions and points to consider when partnering organizations and networks.

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Massachusetts C-PASS Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee Consumer Forum Series Report

The MASS C-PASS Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee (M&O) created a Consumer Forum Series to gather information on barriers to self-direction and community integration from a community perspective. Aside from targeting elders, individuals with disabilities and their families, emphasis was placed on targeting traditionally underserved and un-served racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority groups and rural areas. This report is the narrative account and outcomes from nine consumer forums.

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Oklahoma Partnership Manual Handouts

The fundamental structure to both of Oklahoma's Real Choice System Change grants is an infrastructure that supports a service delivery system that is accountable to Oklahoma long-term care stakeholders. Grant monies will be used to create and support an Oklahoma Partnerships consisting of consumers and advocates. This handout offers an introduction to the system and terms used in the grant partnership.

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