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Vermont Works: Vermont’s Strategic Plan to Create Comprehensive Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities

A 50% increase in the employment rate and average earnings of people with disabilities are the ultimate goals of the “Vermont Works” program. Seven goals and associated strategic initiatives are presented in this plan to achieve those outcomes. The document is the product of two parallel planning processes. One focused broadly on barriers to community inclusion and the second specifically targeted employment supports.

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Employment Support Brochures – Utah

Through the Work Ability program, Utah provides employment support such as personal assistance services and the Medicaid Work Incentive health insurance benefit. The attached brochures outline these specific services, and the website provides more detail on all available benefits. Also posted here is a brochure that highlights the advantages for employers of hiring workers with disabilities and points them towards resources that can help them do so.

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Freedom to Work Information and Marketing Materials – South Dakota

South Dakota’s Freedom to Work (FTW) project provides supports to job seekers with disabilities. Here are examples of tools used to publicize the project. The FTW brochure summarizes all associated services, while the Personal Assistance Services brochure and poster and the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance brochure provide more detailed information for those particular services. The website has relevant links and quarterly newsletters about FTW.

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SCAccess Website – South Carolina

SCAccess provides this one-stop website for finding aging and disability resources, applying for benefits, and learning about rights. One section contains a directory for finding and tips for hiring the right personal care worker. Another helps individuals connect with information specialists at each Area Agency on Aging. Consumers can also download commonly used documents and applications. Finally, the site is integrated with agency case management tools.

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South Carolina Working Disabled - Brochures

Medicaid for the Working Disabled, South Carolina’s Buy-In program, helps people with disabilities retain healthcare benefits when they get a job or earn more money. The attached brochure highlights program details, eligibility requirements, and application information. It also lists the phone numbers of county DHHS offices. Also included is a handout for Self-Advocates that lists resources on Self-Determination.

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Economic Impact of the Medicaid Buy-In Program for the Working Disabled

This report looks at the overall effect South Carolina’s Medicaid for the Working Disabled program has on the net state revenue. It also examines predicted impacts of changing program characteristics and eligibility requirements. The state data are compared to other states with Buy-In programs.

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Employers’ Views on Barriers to and Benefits of Employing People with Disabilities Reports - South Carolina

What barriers remain to employment for people with disabilities? The first report presents the results of a survey asking S.C. business leaders this and other questions regarding benefits, challenges, and supports needed to better employ people with disabilities. The second report asks a broader sample of the business community about their perceptions of workers with disabilities, how they affect the workplace, and what accommodations and incentives they consider to be reasonable and effective.

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Money Follows the Person (MFP) Website - Arkansas

The Arkansas MFP application will transition 305 individuals who have resided in institutions six months or longer into qualified home and community-based programs. This website offers program highlights, operational protocol, benchmarks participant recruitment and enrollment information and benefits and services. Users can also find a variety of stakeholder involvement opportunities including conference dates, the Governor's Task Force List and an Organizational Structure Chart.

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