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Alaska Screening Tool (AST) - Alaska

How can states better access the needs of their clients as well as their MIG programs? One approach Alaska has taken is instituting the AST test, which is designed to screen for substance abuse, mental illness, and traumatic brain injury. The AST can produce multiple recommendations for more efficient care, state the population needs of each agency, and assist the state in federal reporting requirements. Review a sample screening form which could serve as a template for other states.

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Asset Building - Alaska

When people with low income accumulate assets rather than simply increasing their income, they are more likely to escape the cycle of poverty permanently. Explore Alaska's Asset Building website. It is funded by a MIG grant, and provides links to information and resources devoted to activities related to the nature and amount of assets an individual with a disability can accumulate in their quest for financial independence and stability.

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Youth in Transition: Social Security & Employment

How is Alaska getting its’ younger population informed about the work incentives available to them? This brochure is directed at those 22 years of age and under who are working and going to school. These incentives were developed to help Social Security Administration Benefits enrollees manage their benefits while at the same time promoting employment and earned income opportunities. The approach this brochure takes could be useful to other states seeking to address this demographic.

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Individual Development Account (IDA) Program - Alaska

What is the Alaska IDA Program? It’s a statewide program, funded by the MIG grant that enables low-income Alaskans to accumulate assets and escape the cycle of poverty permanently. It targets people who have the most barriers to savings, through a matched savings account program and a pooled account program which matches up to $1 million. The details of this program are available for download and could be a useful resource for other states looking to develop similar MIG programs.

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MIG Policy Objectives and Proposed Design - Alabama

People with disabilities having to choose between meaningful work and income, and access to health insurance and needed services, is a problem being addressed by an increasing number of states through the Medicaid Buy-In program. The state of Alabama created the policy paper attached below, outlining the policy objectives and proposed design of their program. It could be a useful resource for other states proposing a MIG program of their own.

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MIG Brochures - Alabama

Getting the word out to eligible enrollees as well as service providers is key to any MIG programs’ success. This can be complicated by the fact that there are often many programs working together. One way Alabama is keeping everyone informed is by distributing brochures about their MIG program that specifically highlight the partnerships between programs and address fears about benefits and health care. Attached are two such brochures. These could serve as samples for other states.

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Hilo Benefits Information Outreach – Hawaii

How is Hawaii providing its disabled population with benefits information? In the attached slide presentations, Hilo Benefits Information Outreach covers disability programs, work incentives and self employment work incentives for self-employed clients and case managers. These presentations for Hawaii’ s MIG program could be useful to other states implementing similar programs.

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Asset Building Fact Sheet – Arizona

How is the state of Arizona facilitating the collaboration of it’s MIG program with the benefits planning community serving individuals with disabilities? The attached fact sheet was provided as a handout during a presentation with the asset building community meeting to solicit their collaboration in MIG initiatives. The handout identifies the commonalities between MIGs and asset building programs. It’s a collaborative example that could be helpful to other states looking to do the same.

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MWD Report 2009 – Idaho

Interested in statistical analysis of MIG grant programs? The following presentation represents Idaho’s Medicaid for Workers with Disabilities (MWD) program. The program’s history and its’ current state are outlined here alongside graphs and charts with corresponding data. It’s an example of how to chart out a state’s MIG program alongside statistical analysis and could be beneficial to other states looking to do the same.

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DHCF Final Deliverables – District of Columbia

Looking for an in-depth sample of MIG grant program implementation? The District of Colombia has provided their final deliverables document here. This document includes a strategic plan for Medicaid Buy-In Program Implementation, along with the subsequent step-by-step tasks, leading ultimately to the final report, and includes such tools as marketing materials, forms and brochures. This document could serve as a helpful resource to other states interested in implementing a MIG program.

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