RRF Foundation for Aging

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Investing in Caregivers: An Essential Resource for our Nation

RRF Foundation for Aging has released an issue brief on investing in caregiving. More than 53 million people are family caregivers who provide essential support to older adults. Estimates suggest that the care they provide is worth nearly half a trillion dollars, making caregivers the nation’s largest healthcare workforce. This brief provides an overview of the key issues around caregiver support and describes the work the foundation is funding to address these issues.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72641

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Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life

The RRF Foundation for Aging recently released an issue brief, “Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life”, which is a first in a series of briefs highlight the foundation’s approach to grantmaking. The brief focuses on the innovative ways for older adults to achieve financial well-being and also as an invitation to others to partner with the foundation on these and other critical issues. The issue brief and social media sharing toolkit are linked to this page.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72415

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