Person Centered Planning

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Implementation Issues For Consumer-Directed Programs: Comparing Views Of Policy Experts, Consumers, And Representatives

This article describes the importance of examining views from multiple key stakeholders involved in implementing CD programs. The report focuses on the three background studies that informed the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation, as well as results from the first year of implementation.

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Person-Centered Planning For Community Based Long-Term Care: Practice Guidance For The MI Choice Waiver Sites

This document provides guidance and technical assistance for development of a Person-Centered Planning policy locally, and provides essential elements of a framework for successful implementation of the Person-Centered Planning Process with Medicaid beneficiaries participating in the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver program.

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Exploring Effects Of Institutional Characteristics On Saving Outcome: The Case Of The Cash & Counseling Program

This article explores savings outcomes and programmatic factors that may support savings in the Cash & Counseling Demonstration, using a convenience sample of Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries from three states: Arkansas, Florida, and New Jersey.

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Consumer Direction in Medicaid and Opportunities for States

This article discusses the benefits and opportunities presented as a result of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publishing the final Medicaid rule that permits Medicaid recipients to self–direct their own health care and supportive services. The rule is known as Self–Directed Personal Assistance Services Program State Plan Option (Cash & Counseling).

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Consumer and Counselor Experiences in the Arkansas IndependentChoices Program

This report synthesizes information from in-person interviews with program staff, a mail survey of program counselors, and telephone interviews with consumers who had the opportunity to receive the program allowance. It also discusses the program's goals and features, how consumers managed their responsibilities under it and made use of its flexibility, and levels of consumer satisfaction with the program.

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