Money Follows the Person

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How do Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Programs Interact With Federal LTSS-Related Initiatives?

This paper explores how state MLTSS programs interact with federal LTSS initiatives. It examines this interaction in four states: Illinois, Iowa, New York, and Ohio. It specifically focuses on the the interaction of these states' MLTSS programs with the Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration, the Balancing Incentive Program, the Health Home State Plan Option, and the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI).

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The National Evaluation of the MFP Demonstration: Health Care Expenditures Two Years Post-Transition

This recently released follow-up report was aimed at studying changes in the second year after individuals transitioned out of institutional care into community settings. Participants in the MFP program had higher costs during the first twelve months than non-MFP participants who also transitioned to community-based care. However, this study showed that these costs became comparable after the first year of transition.

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Report to the President and Congress: The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration

This report presents the findings and conclusions of this national evaluation of the MFP demonstration. The MFP Rebalancing Demonstration program launched more than nine years ago. There are 44 grantee states, and as of the end of calendar year 2015, grantee states had transitioned a total of 63,337 Medicaid beneficiaries from long-term institutional care to community residences and home and community-based LTSS.

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Residential Information Systems Project Annual Report: Status and Trends Through 2015

This is a technical report about the supports and services that people with IDD receive through the State IDD agency. In addition to the report, there are state profiles, which describe status and trends for each state in the country, and a chart gallery, which is an interactive tool to view detailed data by state, year, and funding authority. Topics include ICF/IID and Medicaid Waiver recipients, expenditures and expenditures per person from 1977 to 2015.

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Bridging the Health and Housing Gap Transitioning Medicaid Recipients from Institutions to the Community in the Context of Housing Shortages and Affordability

This report reviews federal health and housing policies, noting the barriers created that seniors with clinically-driven housing insecurity must navigate. It also reviews a series of initiatives that ACAP members are undertaking to address housing as a social determinant for this vulnerable population, with examples from California, Ohio, and North Carolina.

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HCBS Conference 2017- Presentations

While faced with new challenges, reduced budgets, and growing populations requiring more services, states are stronger than ever, and the work they do is more effective than ever in reaching individuals and addressing their needs. The National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference 2017 highlights these achievements, allowing states to share best practices, present unique partnerships, and recognize the work of their peers.

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Money Follows the Person 2015 Annual Evaluation Report

Mathematica Policy Research recently released their Money Follows the Person 2015 Annual Evaluation Report. This report provides basic information about the program, as well as how the program has grown and changed since transitions began in 2007. The Annual Evaluation Report also discusses estimates of program outcomes and is the basis for a report to congress.

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