Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG)

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The Oregon Competitive Employment Project

The Oregon Competitive Employment Project seeks to enhance the quality of life in Oregon by achieving, maintaining and advancing the competitive and inclusive employment of persons with disabilities. The project is funded by a four-year Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and is part of the Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The project website contains information and downloads, and could be a useful tool for other MIG grantees.

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Development of Career Development Action Plan – Nebraska

How can states more successfully facilitate the employment of their disabled population? One approach Nebraska has taken is gathering information from both clients and worksites with the help of detailed questionnaires. These forms assess the requirements of the job and the needs of the clients, taking into account such factors as transportation, learning style and mobility issues. Three samples of these forms are included here and could prove to be valuable templates for other states.

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Ticket to Work Palliative Care – Nebraska

How is Nebraska using its MIG funding to assist individuals with disabilities manage the chronic pain that prevents them from acquiring or maintaining employment? The Nebraska Ticket to Work Palliative Care Program combines palliative care with employment services in an effort to address chronic pain as a barrier to employment. The program takes a cutting-edge approach, which could be employed in any state. A more detailed summary of the program is provided in the newsletter available here.

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Client Self-Reporting of Employment Supports – Nebraska

What do Nebraska’s Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities (MIWD) clients think about the employment supports offered them through the MIG funded program? In December, 2007 current clients were asked to participate in a telephone survey, which was a follow-up to a more extensive evaluation finalized in April 2007. The methodology, goal and summary of the findings are included here and could be helpful to other states looking to improve the effectiveness of their employment supports.

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HELPS Brain Injury Screening Tool - Nebraska

How is Nebraska using its MIG grant to address the needs of those struggling due to brain injuries? Through a screening tool, and a follow-up questionnaire, the state is working to diagnose these individuals so they may effectively rejoin the workforce. The forms, could serve as a template for other states who wish to do the same, and are available here.

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The BRAIN BOOK™ System – Nebraska

What is The Brain Book™ System? It is one resource Nebraska is making available to its brain injury population, as part of its MIG grant. This System is an educational program that teaches persons with brain injuries how to use a customized life manager/day planner, specially designed to meet their needs - at home and at work. It is a system that is being used all over the country and could be a good resource for other states with similar employment goals for their brain injured citizens.

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Winning the Employment Game! – Utah

How can teachers of students with severe disabilities incorporate employment training into their curriculum? Utah used its MIG funding to provide training to these teachers. A presentation containing an overview of types of employment training in schools and myths about employment of people with disabilities is available here. Presented at a State conference, this presentation could provide valuable information and examples to other states addressing these same concerns.

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Working! Incentives and Supports – Utah

This training tool was presented to students in the Projects With Industries training program, whose purpose is to create and expand job/career opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It provides an overview of Ticket to Work, work incentives, and other work supports. Whether interested in similar training programs, or the details of the programs themselves, this presentation could be a valuable resource to other states looking to allocate or initiate MIG funding for training purposes.

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Employment and People with Disabilities - Utah

How well are employment agencies and service providers addressing the needs of the disabled community? Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has developed a presentation to provide a general overview of disability etiquette and work incentives to these agencies. This presentation could be a helpful example for other states and is provided for download here.

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Work Incentives & Transition Planning for the Blind – Utah

How are work incentives and transition planning practices being approached for the blind community? Utah is training its teachers, at the Utah School for the Blind, to prepare their students for a successful transition and work life, as early as preschool. Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has provided their training presentations here, which could be helpful to other states dealing with a specific population or disability.

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