Medicaid Buy-In

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2015 Red Book

The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with disabilities.The book is a guide to Work Incentives and other disability-related policies and programs, like Ticket to Work.

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Which Medicaid Buy-In Participants Use SSA Work Supports?

This issue brief revisits the use of SSA work supports among the nearly three-quarters of Buy-In Participants who also receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). To better understand who might benefit most from program outreach, this report explores variation in use rates by age, education, and disabling health condition. It also examines the relationship between work-support use, employment, and earnings.

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Barriers to Use of Workplace Personal Assistance Services to Support Employment in California

Providing personal assistance services (PAS) in the workplace (WPAS) is one approach to support the employment of individuals with disabilities. This study examined the implementation of Medicaid WPAS by collecting & analyzing telephone interview data from key informants selected from county & public authority officials in California in 2010. The results showed that less than a fraction of 1% of individuals with disabilities who used Medicaid personal care services used the services at work.

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Communicating the Value of Integrated Care to Stakeholders

This policy brief is part of Center for Health Care Strategies’ Technical Assistance for Dual Eligible Integrated Care Demonstrations program, made possible through The SCAN Foundation and The Commonwealth Fund. Through this program, CHCS is helping demonstration states develop and implement integrated-care models for individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid services.

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Housing Alliance of North Dakota

How does North Dakota ensure that all individuals have access to a decent, safe, affordable, and accessible place to live? Navigate the attachments to learn more about their Housing Alliance program, a statewide organization of individuals and housing and client service professionals, working to identify and address unmet housing needs in the state. Attached is their website and other outreach materials.

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Working Disabled Individuals (WDI) Program - New Mexico

Check out New Mexico’s Medicaid Buy-in Program (WDI) website. The program was created in 1999. Collaborative efforts of agencies, employers and consumers statewide continue to build upon the MIG initiatives for a sustainable, streamlined employment support system. See their website which includes marketing materials in both Spanish and English, applications, employment survey, policies, and much more.

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Community Integration for People with Disabilities: The Role of Long-Term Care and the Medicaid Buy-In

What are some of the essential components of Medicaid long-term care programs? This brief, geared towards people working in Medicaid or disability employment, discusses payment for long-term care, range of services, administration, eligibility, functional assessment and rebalancing of long-term care systems. Also find examples of how some states have incorporated aspects of long-term care services and supports (LTSS) into their Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) programs.

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Office of Disability Employment Policy Listening Sessions

Review the findings of six listening sessions where participants provided input on more effective ways to increase employment of women, veterans, and minorities with disabilities, the identfication of federal and state systems effectively collaborating to achieve successful employment outcomes, and identification of three top issues on which the federal government should focus to support an increase in labor force participation of people with disabilities.

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Asset Development and Affordable Housing - Issue Brief

This is the fourth in a series of briefs that focus on affordable housing strategies and state and local partnerships that increase housing opportunities for workers with disabilities. Asset-building strategies that can support affordable rental and homeownership occupancy are discussed, as well as shared equity strategies such as cooperative housing and community land trusts. Also find a link to the entire brief series.

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Project SEARCH: Opening Doors to Employment for Young People with Disabilities

Is Project SEARCH an effective model for increasing employment among students with significant disabilities? This brief considers this work immersion model designed to help students with significant disabilities transition from school to work. Findings suggest that the model presents a promising approach but the author recommends a thorough evaluation and cost-benefit study to determine whether the outcomes are sufficient to justify the program’s high cost.

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