Aging and Disability Resource Center

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Texas Real Choice Program Project Materials

The Heart of Central Texas Real Choice is a project of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission through a grant & collaboration between the Area Agency on Aging of the Heart of Texas, the Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas, & the Heart Of Central Texas Independent Living Center. The attached material contain a program overview, job descriptions, workbooks and other materials that explain the program.

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The Massachusetts ADRC Project

Three grahpics explain the way the MA ADRC project is coordinated between an Area Agency on Aging & an Independent Living Center. The Team Report details the essential role of the intake team in creating a “one-stop” ADRC by bridging the philosophies of two separate long term care services one serving older adults & one serving adults with disabilities. A flyer soliciting consumers, a flyer offering a program overview & an application for the ADRC Consumer Involvement Board is also provided.

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Tough Decisions...Clear Choices: The Minnesota Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant

In 2003, the Minnesota Board on Aging was awarded a 3 year Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant. The Resource Center will serve individuals and their family caregivers who need long-term care support and those planning for future long-term care support needs. They will also serve as a resource for health and long-term care professionals. This document summarizes Minnesota's timeline and activities under the grant.

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TAE Issue Brief: Facilitating a Productive Advisory Committee

“Engaging Advisory Committees to Provide Effective Meaningful Input and Direction”<br>This ADRC-TAE issue brief provides: an overview of developing an effective advisory committee and approaches to engage members, key considerations when forming and facilitating a committee, tips to promote ongoing involvement of a committee, and resources for more information.

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TAE Issue Brief: Medicare Modernization Measure has Far-reaching Implications for States and Long-Term Care Programs

The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 has far reaching implications for consumers, state Medicaid agencies, health care providers, and the public and private entities that provide benefits counseling and supports to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. This issue brief provides an overview of the measure, resources for more information, and suggested action steps for ADRC projects.

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TAE Issue Brief: Marketing to External Audiences

Social marketing is a relevant approach that can enhance communications with ADRC’s external audiences. The purpose of this brief is twofold: (1) to familiarize grantees with the principles of social marketing; and (2) to provide a brief overview of the key steps involved in developing and implementing a social marketing campaign.

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TAE Issue Brief: Excellent Customer Service in an Aging and Disabilty Resource Center

The purpose of this issue brief is to describe why excellent customer service is important within the context of an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), to illustrate lessons learned about providing excellent customer service from the private and public sectors, to highlight implications for designing and operating an ADRC that provides excellent customer service, and to recommend steps an ADRC might take to achieve excellence in customer service.

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