Aging and Disability Resource Center

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New Hampshire ADRC’s Check-Off Form and Hospital Discharge Protocols

New Hampshire received an ADRC Grant in 2003. The following materials provide information on grant activities in relation to Hospital Discharges. The SLRC Referral Check-off Form for Hospital Discharge Planners is a check-off form for the use of hospital discharge planners in determining whether an individual should be referred to the Resource Center. The other draft protocol documents provide procedures for receiving and sending referrals between hospital and Resource Center staff.

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Wisconsin Regulatory Requirement for Pre-Admission Consultation Referrals

This link provides information on the requirements in Wisconsin for the Aging and Disabilty Resource Centers (ADRC). The attachments include: the administrative rules to implement the pre-admission consultation (PAC) referral requirements; a link to the webpage that describes the pre-admission consultation process and provides links to additional materials; and a document that contains information and data for Wisconsin Preadmission Counseling Referrals during the quarter ending March 31, 2004.

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The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Website

This website provides materials to enhance independence, inclusion, individual productivity and self-determination for people with disabilities. Free materials and features include: Resources for individuals, families and professionals; “Parallels in Time: A History of Developmental Disabilities;” Partners in Policymaking; and The Learning Center library. You will also find a self-paced online learning courses to increase knowledge and skills in self advocacy, education and employment.

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Issue Brief on Prevention: Considering Prevention in the Development of an Aging and Disability Resource Center

This article profiles some suggests on prevention which occurs on three levels. Primary prevention targets healthy individuals and groups to stop disease before it starts; secondary prevention targets those at early stages of disease or with high risk behaviors but who are asymptomatic; and tertiary prevention targets those with symptomatic disease, to manage or improve their conditions. ADRCs can promote health by offering information assistance and resources on each of these levels.

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Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit

The Wyoming Department of Health/Aging Division staff who oversee the Nursing Facility Transitions Grant, Dorothy Thomas & Marcia Harvey, who oversees the Ombudsman Program worked in partnership with Jan Stiles, Adult Protective Services/Department of Family Services to develop & implement a standardized Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit. They contain a variety of materials to address Adult Abuse & were presented to agencies by trained individual & local Adult Protective Service workers.

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Opening Doors to Independence: CMS Accomplishments in Support of the Presidential New Freedom Initiative

The New Freedom Initiative, announced in February 2001, called for a comprehensive assessment of federal policies, programs, statutes, and regulations to identify barriers that impede community living for disabled individuals—and for recommended solutions. In October 2004 CMS awarded an additional $30 million in Real Choice Systems Change Grants—this money in addition to the 188 grants for over $158 million between fiscal years 2001-03. This report highlights accomplishments of those programs.

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South Carolina Access Plus Survey Tools

The South Carolina ADRC also known as South Carolina Access Plus has developed a number of checklists and surveys to evaluate a variety of program outcomes. The Access Training is an introduction to the program. The Customer Service Training assesses staff opinion on customer service training sessions. The Level Outcome Checklist assesses staff opinion on how well the program is achieving systems-level outcomes. The Progress Checklist assesses staff opinion on collaborating with stakeholders.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Initiative: Streamlining Access to Long Term Care

This presentation from the November 2004 Gerontological Society of America Conference discusses how the ADRC Iniative will develop a national framework for and implement a single point of entry system in states that will help streamline access to long-term care.

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Promising Practices: Engaging Physicians…Supporting Family Caregivers

This report is designed to help Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Title VI–Native American aging programs share their success stories about an innovative physician outreach program, Making the Link: Connecting Caregivers with Services through Physicians. The practices highlighted can have widespread application, the strategies can be adapted by other community-based organizations and AAAs, Title VI programs will find ideas that can be applied to workforce, PTAs, and other venues.

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