Provider Relief Fund

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2020 National Healthcare Expenditures (NHE) Report

This report finds U.S. health care spending increased rapidly in response to the pandemic. This was primarily driven by increased federal spending, including financial assistance to providers to make up for lost revenue through the Provider Relief Fund and the Paycheck Protection Program, and increased federal public health spending including spending for vaccine development, COVID testing, and health facility preparedness. As a result, growth in federal government spending on health care has increased by 36% in 2020.

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Provider Relief Fund: Medicaid and CHIP Provider Distribution

The Health Resources & Services Administration released a fact sheet that details how Medicaid and CHIP providers can obtain payment from the Provider Relief Fund. In June, HHS announced approximately $15 billion from the Provider Relief Fund would be distributed to eligible state Medicaid and CHIP providers. The fact sheet includes eligibility requirements and suggestions on how providers can utilize funds for COVID-19-related expenses.

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