Veterans (as VD-HCBS)

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Readiness Reviews for Veteran Directed Home and Community-Based Services Programs

The purpose of the review is to determine whether essential participant-directed program components are in place and to identify areas where assistance may still be needed. Review a presentation and audio archive to understand expectations. Also included is a consumer experience flowchart which describes the criteria sites must meet in order to be approved to deliver VDHCBS.

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How ADRCs Can Effectively Assist Veterans: Issue Brief

This updated issue brief defines Veterans and the new Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services (VDHCBS) programs to enhance home-based supports for veterans. Also included are sucessful state collaboration examples and a list of resources. Appendix A provides an overview of the VA Priority Groups. Appendix B shows estimated VA Expenditures by state.

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Using Debit Cards for Participant Purchases: A Roundtable Discussion

How can states use debit cards in their consumer-directed purchasing programs? The Sept 2009 Community Living Partnership TA Call addressed this financial management question. States have used pre-paid plans as part of their MFP and CLP grants. Review a matrix of pre-paid card companies and their methods for spending. Also included is a Proposed Procedure for Debit Card Purchases developed for the Veterans-Directed Home and Community Based Services Programs.

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Nursing Home Diversion Project Narrative and Work Plan – Connecticut

Planning documents show how Connecticut will use a Cash & Counseling model to provide flexible service choices to keep people out of institutions. The narrative gives details such as the state’s current rebalancing status, goals and objectives, approach, challenges, service options, training and eligibility. The work plan details “Choices at Home” key tasks, lead person and time frame associated with each major objective.

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