Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services Website

Each year, nearly 100,000 Mississippians receive services from the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services. The expansion of programs and comprehensive assistive technology services is bringing to life a vision that people with disabilities will have the necessary skills and opportunities to be productive participants in the workplaces of the 21st century. The website offers information on benefits planning, vocational rehabilitation assistance and much more.

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Mississippi Department of Mental Health Website

Department of Mental Health provides a network of opportunities to persons who experience problems with mental illness, alcohol and/or drug abuse/dependence, or who have mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Services are provided through an array of facilities and agencies operated and/or funded by the Department of Mental Health.

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Maine Department of Human Services, Bureau of Elder and Adult Services Website

The Bureau works to reduce reliance on institutional long-term care and to offer more safe, affordable choices for consumers and families in Maine. The site provides information on new kinds of home and community-based services, changes in how state and Medicaid-funded long-term care programs are administered, major changes to program policies, and how the system is chaning to serve more people.

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Maine Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services

The Department's mission is to join with individuals, families, and communities to encourage and assist people with developmental disabilities, mental health disorders, and substance abuse disorders to achieve good health and meaningful living. The site provides information on services offered and a link to the Crisis Hotline.

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Community Living Brief: Workforce Planning: How to Recruit and Retain Mental Health Workers

This Community Living Brief describes the direct and indirect costs of the mental health worker shoratge crisis as they pertain to employers, staff members and consumers. Developing and maintaining an effective workforce requires the same sort of highly planned and systematic approach as any other organizational function. The Brief outlines the five basic steps involved in workforce planning are.

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