Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Options to Increase Access to Long-Term Care: Maryland House Bill 594 Final Report

This report discusses the options for expanding home and community based services in the state of Maryland as required by Bill 594. Should Maryland elect to expand access to Medicaid home- and community-based services(HCBS), it has several possible approaches. This report discusses these options for Maryland in detail; ideas other states designing similar programs might find useful.

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NewsCLIPS: Designing Programs and Policies to Encourage Peer Support Services – Winter 2009 NewsCLIPS highlights the important work related to Real Choice Systems Change Grantees. In each issue, we examine a topic related to home and community-based care by providing an overview of recent papers and publications. This issue of NewsCLIPS highlights three new issue briefs and a new promising practice report providing various strategies that policymakers can undertake when developing and supporting each of the peer support models.

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Medicaid Coverage of Peer Support for People with Mental Illness: Available Research and State Examples

This report summarizes available research to date regarding the effectiveness of peer support and presents State examples of peer support within three different Medicaid authorities (State Plan, 1915(b), and 1915(c)). State Medicaid Agencies and their partner mental health agencies can find guidance here for efforts to incorporate peer support into Medicaid programs.

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Building Bridges - Mental Health Consumers Reports

SAMHSA offers a series of reports entitled Building Bridges. This series details dialogues among stakeholders, including consumers, mental health-related providers, and policy-makers, to identify strategies to promote recovery and wellness for people with mental health problems. Topics include the faith community, addiction, criminal justice, primary health care, disaster response, students and college administrators.

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National Resource Directory for Veterans Website

The U.S. Department of Labor has joined with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to launch a Web-based directory to help wounded warriors identify resources available to assist them in transitioning back to civilian life. The National Resource Directory encompasses more than 10,000 services and resources, including information on benefits and compensation, education, training and employment, family ad caregiver support, health, housing and transportation, service and resources.

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Arkansas State Plan on Aging 2008-2011

The Older Americans Act (OAA) requires states to submit a Plan on Aging every 1-4 years focused on reforming long-term care to help keep older people independent. Arkansas presents information on their organization, programs, goals, funding, and people served. Their plan covers areas including Cash & Counseling, Money Follows the Person, transportation planning, disaster preparedness, and others.

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A Self-Directed Care Model for Mental Health Recovery

Find out about the outcomes of people with serious mental illnesses that participate in Florida's Cash & Counseling program. Self-directed care was effective in lowering costs and time spent in psychiatric inpatient and criminal justice settings. Many program details are provided, such as financing, start up, structure, and evaluation.

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Disability and Health in the United States, 2001-2005

Charts and data illustrate health-related differences between disabled and non-disabled noninstitutionalized adults in this report. Data are from the National Health Interview Survey. One section illustrates differences in access to care and health insurance coverage. Numbers on the prevalence of disabilities, demographics, and health behaviors and risks are also given.

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NASHP's 2008 State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Charting a Course for State Health Policy

Presentations from NASHP’s 21st annual state health policy conference are now available. The conference is planned by state health policymakers for state agencies' staff, legislators, and legislative staff. Review the presentations to learn how others are improving and innovating healthcare through state-level policy.

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HCBS Quality Requirements Grid: A Technical Assistance Tool

In an effort to address integration across CMS Home and Community-based Services Programs, CMS worked with its National Quality Contractor to develop an this matrix. The Grid highlights specific quality requirements across HCBS program authorities that include program standards, measures, accountability, and sources of financing for quality activities. The tool is expected to be a helpful resource for planning purposes and for providing technical assistance to states and researchers.

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