Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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National Disability Policy: A Progress Report - October 2014

This report fulfills NCD’s statutory mandate to annually report and make recommendations concerning the state of disability policy in the United States. Specifically, the 2014 Progress Report focuses on seven key areas: the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD), employment access and inclusion, subminimum wage, education outcomes, Medicaid managed care, mental health care, and data trends in disability policy.

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A Roadmap to Success: Hiring, Retaining and Including People with Disabilities: Online Course

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has developed an online course which provide federal employees with basic information and resources to successfully hire, retain, and advance employees with disabilities. The course is available to agencies at no cost on HR University and the training should be considered required for human resources personnel and hiring managers.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports in FFY 2012

The annual Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports expenditure report for FFY 2012 is now available. The report includes Medicaid expenditures for all LTSS, including institutional and non-institutional settings, by service category and state. The data comes primarily from CMS-64 reports.

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Application of Existing External Quality Review Protocols to Managed Long Term Services and Supports

This guidance document is intended to provide guidance to states on how to apply the revised protocols for External Quality Review (EQR) of Medicaid managed care organizations, released in 2012, to managed long term services and supports (MLTSS) programs. Although the protocols already apply to MLTSS generally, this document offers specific suggestions to make their application to long term services and supports (LTSS) clearer and provides suggestions, examples and illustrations.

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Mental Health Programming for Seniors and People with Disabilities: 2013 Survey Results

In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states asking how/where they are serving individuals with these complications and what services have been most effective. The survey is at the request of a ADvancing States member that works closely with their mental health program staff to serve individuals who are eligible for both mental health and aging/disability programming.

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Mental Health and Aging: Working together

This presentation took place on March 20, 2012 at the Aging in America Conference to demonstrate how the aging network can benefit from working with other agencies to provide more integrated services. Namely, the State Units on Aging working with mental health and substance abuse agencies and programs to provide for more comprehensive care that takes into consideration issues unique to the aging population, such as suicide and alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

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2012 State of Aging and Disabilities Survey: Another Year of Challenges Tempered by Opportunities

State aging and disability agencies have operated within a tumultuous environment for the past several years. It has become increasingly more difficult to reconcile the needs of older adults and people with disabilities with the resources available to address those needs. Five themes are identified from the 2012 state of aging and disabilities surveys, which include the acceleration of Medicaid managed long term services and supports and continuing loss of historical knowledge around the nation.

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Silver Alert Initiatives in the States: Protecting Seniors with Cognitive Impairments

A Silver Alert program establishes a notification system to alert the public of missing persons who are elderly or have cognitive impairments. This report identifies which states have Silver Alert programs, those that do not, and those with pending legislation. This report provides a brief summary of the legislations that established programs in certain states, the agencies administering the program, and the program requirements for initiating an alert.

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HCBS Waiver Conference 2005 - Presentations

Held in May 2005 this national conference was designed to meet the unique training needs of waiver program operators. This year’s conference, titled "The Sun Shines Brighter at Home," offered substantive opportunities to learn about the national initiatives, policy directions and grant programs that shape the current environment. The attached agenda has links to all of the presentation overheads.

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