Physical Disabilities

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Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability and Racial and Ethnic Status in the United States Charles

Report illustrates the need for careful planning on how to address the health disparities experienced by persons with disabilities into the next decade. Because the perception that disability is solely an aging phenomenon, current analysis to people of working age (18-64) is limited. Also, little research compares the health disabilities to that of other racial and ethnic minority groups. The report suggests the time is now for a national plan to address disparities.

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Attracting and Retaining Talent: Frontline Workers in Long-Term Care

This report explains the Jobs to Careers program, a model of training and education designed to advance the skills of direct-care workers. It describes how the program has been implemented in Hartford, Connecticut, and Portland, Oregon. The report also presents a list of next steps and recommended goals to improve state and federal policies relating to direct-care worker training. Jobs to Careers is managed by the national nonprofit Jobs for the Future.

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Matching Study Designs to Research Questions in Disability-Related Comparative Effectiveness Research

The impact of disability is wide ranging, influencing nearly every aspect of affected individuals’ lives, including how they seek and receive health care, how they process information, and what level of independence and community participation they enjoy. Evidence-based care has potential to improve the lives of American adults with disabilities. This brief presents methodological and design issues for researchers to consider.

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Identifying Effective Health Care Services for Adults with Disabilities Choosing Wisely: Why Study Designs and Outcome Measures Matter

Adults with disabilities have diverse, complex, and expensive needs for health care services, costing the health care system $398 billion in 2006. This group, which represented 14 percent of the adult population in 2008, will grow larger in the future. This report discusses study designs and outcome measures that can be used to address different comparative research questions. Policymakers, practitioners, and the public need a better understanding of what works for study designs.

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Crossing Great Divides: A Guide to Mobility Resources and Solutions in Indian Country

This resource guide highlights the importance of mobility options for American Indian elders and support the efforts of Title VI aging services and Tribal transit programs to provide transportation to elders living on reservations and Indian lands. Order the resource in hard copy from the NCST library or download the electronic version.

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Person-Centered Thinking Tools: Video

What is meant by person centred approaches, thinking and planning?Review a series of nine videos about person-centered planning. The goal of this project is to provide support for the creation of best practice and its implementation by individuals and agencies. Topics include history of lifestyle planning, training, how to get started and personal stories.

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Incentives for "Medicaid Works" Report - Virginia

How does the state of Virginia measure how financial incentives affect disabled workers' decision to work? To learn more, read this report which features a model used to predict behavior of individuals, budget costs, and related savings of the Virginia Medicaid Works program, along with the well-being of affected individuals. This frame-work will also be used to predict how proposed changes in the Medicaid Works program would affect behavior.

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Incentives for "Medicaid Works" - Virginia

How is the state of Virginia working to better understand its Medicaid program's efficacy? This report aims to develop a framework to understand the incentive effects of the Virginia Medicaid Works program that provides disabled Medicaid recipients the option to earn higher income while ensuring continued Medicaid coverage. By decoupling labor market decisions from Medicaid receipt, the primary objective of the Works program is to increase the employment and earnings of disabled recipients.

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Effects on Beneficiary Employment and Earnings of a Graduated $1-for-$2 Benefit Offset for Social Security Disability Insurance

This study evaluated impacts on employment and earnings levels among people with disabilities of eliminating the cash cliff aspect of Social Security Disability Insurance, in which beneficiaries lose their entire cash benefit when their earnings become too high. Findings demonstrated that an SSDI offset can have a significant effect on the SGA earnings rate of beneficiaries, but that the effect may be limited to a subset of individuals, and may be enhanced when paired with healthcare protection.

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Money Follows the Person: Change in Participant Experience During the First Year of Community Living

Mathematica released the sixth report in a series that use the latest data available on MFP grants and state efforts to transition Medicaid enrollees to community living and rebalance LTC systems. The report presents survey results showing change in quality of life, quality of care and community integration reported by 803 MFP participants after one year of community living. The authors explore policy implications for MFP and other transition programs.

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