Physical Disabilities

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Family to Family Resource Handbooks

Family Voices of North Dakota has developed two handbooks. The intent of the booklets is to help families with resource questions and offer a way to record the information they gather. New Beginnings is a guide of referrals and contacts. Care Notebook is an organizing tool for keeping track of important information about a child’s health care. Although this material is specific to North Dakota, other Family to Family grantees may find the guides useful when replicating resources.

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Department of Transportation (DOT) Disability Law Guidance

Four new guidance documents were released interpreting the DOT Americans with Disabilities Act Regulations. The documents carry out the ADA intent and its regulation to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities. The documents are titled: Origin to Destination Service; Full-Length, Level-Boarding Platforms in New Commuter and Intercity Rail Stations; Paratransit Requirements for §5311-Funded Fixed-Route Service Operated by Private Entities; Use of \"Segways\" on Transportation Vehicles.

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Working Together: Personal Assistance Training and You

This online publication was developed for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses who direct their personal assistance services. The resource provides information on how to recruit and interview, how to check a candidate's background and references, and how to train new attendants. It outlines the rights of both caregivers and care recipients and covers topics like problem solving, conflict resolution, setting boundaries, and working with a PCA who may also be a friend or a relative.

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Position Papers: Employment Options, Personal Assistance Programs and Waiting List

The goal of the West Virginia Real Choice project is to create enduring improvements in community long-term support systems so that individuals of any age who have a disability or long-term illness have the choice and necessary supports to live and participate in their communities. The have created three position papers to present arguments for expanding the horizons of employment options, personal assistance programs, and waiting lists protocols.

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West Virginia Real Choice Youth Transition Program: Request for Proposals

The WV Real Choice program is providing incentive funding to parent/family based organizations. The funds will be awarded to organizations such as Parent Educator Resource Centers, WV Parent Training and Information, Family Resource Networks and other family-based organizations to implement best practices in middle and secondary education regarding youth transition that use a person-centered approach. This RFP is an great example for other states structuring similar requests.

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Personal Assist Recruitment Video

This video was produced & directed by the Connecticut C-PASS grantee, UCONN Center on Disabilities, with assistance from consumers & PCAs participating in various HCBS waiver programs. Included are perspectives from individuals & family members representing various disabilities & ages, explaining why personal assistants are important parts of their daily lives, & why being a personal assistant can be a challenging and rewarding career. The recruitment tool will be available in various formats.

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Priced Out 2004: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

This newly released biennial study verifies that low-income people with disabilities are experiencing a national housing affordability crisis. The Priced Out in 2004 study compares the monthly SSI income of more than 4 million Americans with disabilities to the fair market rental rates for efficiencies and modest one-bedroom apartments in every housing market in the country. Review more facts, figures and examples about housing and the national rent increases which greatly exceed SSI Benefits.

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How Do Hired Workers Fare Under Consumer-Directed Personal Care?

This study describes the experiences of workers hired under consumer direction. The Cash and Counseling model does not appear to cause adverse consequences for the hired workers. Directly hired workers report high levels of job satisfaction and do not suffer physical or emotional hardship beyond what might be expected for individuals providing care to relatives. This report offers other information implications about consumers, their families and workers’ well-being.

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Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: A Web Site for People with Developmental Disabilities

This web site will help individuals who receive Medicaid and Medicare benefits, known as dual eligibles, their families and caregivers, and advocates for people with disabilities understand the new Medicare prescription drug coverage, called Part D. Part of the Medicaid Reference Desk, this web-tool also offers a timeline of key dates, a glossary of terms, information for making coverage decisions and tools for plan comparisons.

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