Physical Disabilities

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Distressed Conditions in Developments for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and Strategies Used for Improvement

A new GAO report examined public housing developments occupied primarily by elderly persons and non-elderly persons with disabilities. Review the data on severely distressed housing and the ways in which such housing can be improved. This report examines the methods used to reduce the level of social distress and strategies to improve physical and social conditions.

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Disability Statistics Website

Visit to access comprehensive, up-to-date U.S. disability statistics via graphs and charts, tables, and written descriptions. The disability statistics on this website are estimated by Cornell University using the following data sources: Current Population Survey, Census 2000, American Community Survey. View the 2004 Disability Status Reports; the latest data is available in PDF or HTML and listed by state.

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Disability & Emergency Preparedness Resources Interactive Map Website

This unique web-based tool provides an accessible, interactive clearinghouse directory of regional, state, and local disability-related emergency management resources. As a service to first responders, emergency managers and people with disabilities, N.O.D.'s Emergency Preparedness Initative (EPI) is providing regional, state, and local disability-related emergency management resources. Click on the map to view a list of links to disability & emergency preparedness resources in your area.

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Consumer and Family Perspectives on Services Provided by Connecticut’s State Agencies: Do citizens with disabilities perceive agency activities as supportive of self-determination and consumer empowerment?

To what extent have several key state agencies and bureaus embedded concepts such as partnerships with families and citizens with disabilities, consumer decision making and self-determination into the training of their staff? This report is a follow up companion to a previous study and provides a good window onto 'grass roots' perspectives of consumers and families receiving services while informing agencies about how their particular efforts compare to those undertaken by others.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Advisory Board and Sub-committee Job Descriptions

The role of the Maryland Access Point (MAP) Advisory Board is to guide the design and operations of the Resource Center. MAP developed the attached job descriptions to assist board members in carrying out their roles efficiently. The board is composed of individuals representing all populations served by the program, including individuals who have a disability or a chronic condition and public, private, and government agencies that provide services to individuals served by the program.

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Variation by Disability in State Predictors of Medicaid 1915c Waiver Use and Expenditures

The December Gerontologist highlights a study which reviewed the state-level Medicaid 1915c data from 1992-2001 and compared state predictors of waiver utilization and expenditures for waivers serving both older and working age individuals relative to waivers serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The results found that increased community-based-care capacity appears to be an important factor in efforts to expand the availability of Medicaid community-based-care.

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Employment Of Persons With Disabilities in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #2 explores employment issues.

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Accessibility of Public and Private Places in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #1 explores the accessibility of public and private places.

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Financial Management for Independent Living Centers Training

IL NET of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) will present a three-week distance learning course. The online program is designed to help CIL and SILC leaders manage organization finances more effectively. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify key components of sound fiscal management, develop fiscal reports, prepare and deliver agency and program budgets, identify fiscal risk management controls, and define appropriate roles for board and staff financial oversight.

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Results of the Maine Experience Survey Adults with Physical Disabilities Consumer Directed Waiver

As part of the Real Choice grant activities, Maine identified the need for a survey of consumers on the Consumer Directed Physically Disabled Waiver. This report provides the results of the in-home survey that was conducted by the Muskie School. The survey results identified some areas of focus and opportunities for increased training. Based on survey results, changes were made to the emergency back up plans, training with adaptive equipment and CNA registries.

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