Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities

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2005 CMS Systems Change Conference: Building Sustainable Systems for Independence

The CMS Systems Change conference was February 28-March 2, 2005. Presentations from the 2005 sessions are available in both PDF and text formats. Topics range from ideas on sustaining systems change, employment services, Medicaid, integrating quality, policy implications and barriers to providing services. Full titles are listed in the keywords section.

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Business Case for the Critical Incident System for Disability Services

Texas QA/QI grantees have shared their Business Case for a Critical Incident System. This document outlines system recommendations, objectives and potential constraints and is a helpful resource for any state trying to present a business case to its budget office. This document provides the background to support an executive management decision to commit resources to conduct an in-depth study to determine scope and cost for the development of a comprehensive critical incident management system.

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General Principles For Using Data as a Quality Improvement Tool

This brief User’s Guide is designed to accompany orientation and training sessions that will be provided to the statewide and regional Councils in Massachusetts that use the Q.A. report as a foundation for exploring how to use data as a quality tool. To use data effectively requires that users have a basic understanding of the benefits and limitations of data. That is the purpose of this guide and the training sessions that will be provided to Quality Council members.

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A Quick Guide to Understanding the Quality Enhancement Licensure and Certification Survey Process and Tool (QUEST)

Since the inception of the survey and certification process in 1994, the Dept. of Mental Retardation in Massachusetts has been assessing the quality of supports provided by both public and private providers to help individuals obtain important outcomes in their lives. This evaluation process formed the basis for certifying/licensing agencies to provide services. This web link describes services that are subject to licensure, defines the levels, outcomes and survey results.

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Special Cross Tabulation of Disability and Housing Data: West Virginia

This summary is of housing data for all civilian non-institutionalized people with a disability as well as the housing data for people without a disability, based 2000 Census data. Comparisons between households of people with a disability and without a disability will be made on areas such as: poverty level, number of people in household, tenure, utilities and vehicle ownership, mobile home ownership, number of bedrooms, home value, monthly owner costs and gross rent.

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Navigating Medicare and Medicaid, 2005: A Resource Guide for People with Disabilities, Their Families, and Their Advocates

This guide explains the critical role Medicare and Medicaid have come to play in the lives and the futures of roughly 20 million children, adults, and seniors with disabilities - and gives people new information. This guides answers many questions such as: How do people with disabilities apply and can they get help with the process? What is the policy for covering durable medical equipment? How to appeal coverage decisions? Can a person be employed and still keep their coverage?

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Access to Community Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

This report focuses the development of increased access to community transportation services for individuals with disabilities as part of the Access to Services project in Maine. The report includes a summary of grant activity, lessons learned throughout the project, and recommendations for next steps to sustain the work of this grant. The specific project goal was as follows: To make transportation more available and responsive to persons with disabilities.

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Negotiating the Funding Maze: Research Findings from the Youth With Disabilities Flexible Funding Project

This report brings together the research, analysis, and conclusions of the work completed under Maine’s Quality Choices grant concerning flexible funding systems for youth with developmental disabilities as they establish themselves in ‘adult’ communities on their road to independent living. The report includes a review of the project history and implementation, research findings Strategies and Recommendations, and a Fiscal Roadmap.

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HUD Releases New Guidelines for Public Housing Authorities to Assist Individuals with Disabilities Utilizing Housing Choice Vouchers: Housing Info Update #30

On 2/1/05, HUD issued new guidelines to public housing authorities on using the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to assist people with disabilities. These new guidelines are part of the President’s New Freedom Initiation and Executive Order ton Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities. The new guidelines clarify issues related to issuance and preservation of certain types of special purpose vouchers for disabled families

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