Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities

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Accessibility of Public and Private Places in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #1 explores the accessibility of public and private places.

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Major and Unusual Incident System Reports: Ohio

The Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities has been implementing an internet-based centralized reporting system to report and track major and unusual incidents. The following MUI Reports for 2004 include data such as total incidents and total MUI by category and county. The web-based reporting and tracking system have been very successful in improving timeliness and monitoring quality.

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Financial Management for Independent Living Centers Training

IL NET of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) will present a three-week distance learning course. The online program is designed to help CIL and SILC leaders manage organization finances more effectively. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify key components of sound fiscal management, develop fiscal reports, prepare and deliver agency and program budgets, identify fiscal risk management controls, and define appropriate roles for board and staff financial oversight.

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HCBS Quality Indicators for Home and Community-Based Services in Maine

This report provides summary information on the performance of Maine’s home and community based care system. The data can be used to identify areas where the system is working and people are satisfied and also points to areas where further analysis would be helpful. The quality indicators are for the following programs: Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities, Adults with Physical Disabilities - Who Self Direct and Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism.

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Roadmap for Change: Maine\'s Response to the Olmstead Decision

This guide was prepared by Maine’s Work Group for Community-Based Living in response to the 1999 Olmstead Supreme Court decision. The work group submits this Roadmap as an interdepartmental approach for improving home and community services for people with disabilities. Section topics include: advocacy, integrated services, using data, service coordination, direct-care workers, improving quality, housing, transportation, and employment.

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Florida Medicaid Waiver: Key Program Changes and Issues

In October 2005, CMS approved a Section 1115 waiver, allowing fundamental changes in their program. This fact sheet summarizes the main themes of Florida's Medicaid waiver and discusses key issues for consideration in assessing the waiver's impact. The state is looking to increase personal responsibility, market competition, and participation in private coverage.

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The Social Security Administration\'s Efforts to Promote Employment for People with Disabilities: New Solutions for Old Problems

The National Council on Disability released a new report with recommendations on improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities receiving Social Security benefits. The major reasons cited for the extreme underutilization of these work incentives by beneficiaries were lack of knowledge on work incentives and the complex and hard-to-grasp nature of the incentives for even those who were aware of them. The report further discussed ideas for policy and procedural modifications.

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National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

This annual progress report calls on the Federal Government to be more creative in program design; be more accountable in measuring the impact of civil rights compliance for people with disability; and provide greater cross-agency coordination in managing disability programs. NCD has identified several important and recurrent themes that need to be addressed including: Program Design for a New Century, Accountability and Cross-Agency Coordination.

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Consolidated State Survey Respondents and Results: Primary Data Systems

A questionnaire was emailed to the primary agencies in each state that are responsible for services to people with developmental disabilities. The main purpose of the survey was to determine if states had data systems that might be purchased and or modified to address the needs of Colorado’s DDD. States were asked if they had a computerized data system and a list of the features and functions. The 15 responses are helpful in understanding technology baselines and promising practices.

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Understanding Changes in Prescription Drug Coverage for People with Disabilities on Medicare

<i>A Guide for People with Disabilities, Benefits Counselors, Disability Organizations and Others On Transitioning to the Medicare Part D</i> Many organizations are developing materials to assist duel eligibles; however this guide was written specifically for people with disabilities. Written in a question and answer format, the guide includes worksheets to use when consulting physicians about pharmaceuticals and in comparing and selecting a plan.

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