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Understanding Today’s Federal Policy Landscape for Supporting Family Caregivers

CHCS published a Medicaid Policy cheat sheet detailing the importance of family caregivers. The resource reviews legislation and efforts led by the Biden Administration to support unpaid family caregivers, and answers the following questions: Who are family caregivers and what do they do? What hardships do family caregivers face as a result of providing care? How can legislation help family caregivers?

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In Support of Caregivers: Key Accomplishments of Lifespan Respite Grantees

This report captures State Grantee accomplishments, highlighting the knowledge, commitment, ingenuity, and skillful stewardship and administration of resources. Through their work, state Lifespan Respite grantees provide evidence of the merit of the Lifespan Respite Care Program, and inform our path forward.

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Investing in Caregivers: An Essential Resource for our Nation

RRF Foundation for Aging has released an issue brief on investing in caregiving. More than 53 million people are family caregivers who provide essential support to older adults. Estimates suggest that the care they provide is worth nearly half a trillion dollars, making caregivers the nation’s largest healthcare workforce. This brief provides an overview of the key issues around caregiver support and describes the work the foundation is funding to address these issues.

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Using Prospective Payment to Support Advanced Primary Care: Opportunities for States

Value-based payment (VBP), provider payment models that shift from volume-based fee-for-service to support value-driven care delivery, is an important strategy for states seeking to promote innovative primary care approaches through Medicaid managed care. This blog post highlights opportunities for states to implement payment models that support primary care providers in offering more comprehensive care, such as through integrating physical and behavioral health care.

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Caregiving in the U.S 2020

This report is an update to NAC's research series, Caregiving in the U.S., conducted roughly every five years. The 2020 update shows that the number of family caregivers in the United States has increased by 9.5 million from 2015 to 2020. The report has also found that the general health of family caregivers has declined in the last five years. Read the full report to learn more. Dowload is available in Spanish.

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What Family Caregivers Need: Findings from Listening Sessions

This report, by the University of Massachusetts at Boston and Community Catalyst, shares information collected from family caregiver listening sessions. The sessions were intended to give family caregivers the opportunity to communicate their challenges, needs, and suggest recommendations for services, supports and policies. Findings from the sessions cover topics including emotional and financial stress, caregiving education and training, workplace flexibility, and tax policy change.

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Community Care Corps RFP: Innovative Local Models to Provide Volunteer Non-Medical Assistance to Older Americans, Adults with disabilities, and Family Caregivers

Community Care Corps has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly assist older adults or adults with disabilities with non-medical care to maintain their independence. The purpose of the project is to establish, enhance, or grow volunteer programs for family caregivers, older adults, and people with disabilities.

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CFPB Releases New Resource for Current Reverse Mortgage Borrowers

CFPB released a new resource for older homeowners who have a reverse mortgage loan. The guide, You have a reverse mortgage: know your rights and responsibilities, provides reverse mortgage borrowers with information on their ongoing obligations with their Home Equity Conversation Mortgage (HECM), the most common type of reverse mortgage loan. Topics include how a borrower may pay-off the loan, what happens after the borrower moves out of the home or dies, what heirs need to know, and more.

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Responding to the Unexpected: Best Practices During Disasters for Ombudsman Programs

In our capacity as a sub-grantee to the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC), we were pleased to invite SLTCOs to a webinar on May 13, 2021. Regrettably, the past few years have been scarred by various disasters including wildfires, severe winter storms, and COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar was for SLTCOs, to inform thinking and planning around disaster mitigation and management. Attendees heard from leaders from two states on their recent experiences responding to disasters.

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