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Caregiving Strain and Estimated Risk for Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease Among Spouse Caregivers – Journal Article

High caregiving stress has been associated with poor physical and psychological health, and with increased mortality among spouse caregivers. This study examined the differential effects of stress on stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk by race and sex. Caregiving strain was significantly associated with higher estimated risk for men, particularly African American men, providing caregiving to their wives.

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Profiles of State Innovation: Roadmap for Managing Long-Term Supports and Services

Five innovative states (Arizona, Hawaii, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin) with demonstrated expertise in managed care approaches for individuals with long-term care needs are featured in this report. The resulting “roadmap” outlines 10 critical mileposts for successfully designing models for managed LTSS. It also identifies key ACA provisions that support state efforts to improve long-term care delivery.

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Estimating the Impact of Caregiving and Employment on Well-Being

A large proportion of the population is facing the competing demands of working and caring for a loved one. This study investigates the impact of informal caregiving, employment, and the combination of these responsibilities on the overall well-being of the caregiver. Higher well-being reported by employed caregivers compared with non-employed counterparts suggests that the benefits of employment, such as financial security and social support, can ease the burden of the caregiving role.

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Hiring Relatives as Caregivers in Two States: Developing an Education and Research Agenda for Policy Makers – Journal Abstract

Hiring relatives as caregivers remains a controversial policy issue. This two-state case study reports findings about views from policy experts regarding a policy option to hire family caregivers in HCBS long-term care programs. Policy makers also discussed information needed by other states considering this option and effective approaches to disseminate findings about this option from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration Evaluation.

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Lifespan Respite Care Program

Grant awards totaling approximately $2.25 million to 12 states to implement the Lifespan Respite Care Program were recently awarded, adding to the twelve states that received awards in 2009. Lifespan Respite Care programs are coordinated systems of accessible, community-based respite care services for family caregivers of children or adults of all ages with special needs. Find information about the implementation of the program, and learn more about the key activities of each of the grantees.

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SCAN Foundation DataBriefs

Dual eligibles comprise only 17% of the Medicare population but represent 28% of Medicare beneficiaries with five or more chronic conditions. Find key facts and analyses on older Americans and long-term care issues. DataBriefs examine health and supportive services and the people who use them, while exploring opportunities to improve care through the implementation of health reform. Each Databrief is offered in the form of a Powerpoint presentation and one page PDF.

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Aging in Place Partnerships: A Training Program for Family Caregivers of Residents Living in Affordable Senior Housing

Find out about a pilot program at four affordable housing properties for older adults in Washington, DC. With input from service coordinators, residents, and family caregivers, a two-part workshop was designed to increase caregiver capacity while strengthening the coordination between caregivers and service staff. Caregivers who participated in the workshops reported feeling more confident in their roles as well as more knowledgeable of resources.

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The Overlooked Caregiver: A Series of Listening Sessions

Four groups of caregivers discuss their challenges in accessing caregiver services. Challenges include lack of access to internet and phone, cultural traditions which prevent self-identification as caregivers, and unexpected caregiving responsibilities for wounded veterans. Proposed solutions included assistance in navigating government programs, connecting new caregivers to peer mentors and caregiver networks, and an increased focus on assisting the care recipient and the caregiver.

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Advancing Long-Term Services & Supports: Health Affairs Journal Special Issue

Health Affairs has published a special issue devoted entirely to long-term care. Review articles on providers, issues related to Medicare and Medicaid, transition and diversion programs, new state strategies to meet LTC needs, quality of care, demographic issues, policy and financing, health spending, caregivers and the workforce, and palliative care and end-of-life.

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